首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagationin Wireless Communications >An investigation of the radio refractive conditions in lowest portions of the troposphere near Margalla Hills, Pakistan

An investigation of the radio refractive conditions in lowest portions of the troposphere near Margalla Hills, Pakistan

机译:巴基斯坦Margalla Hills附近对流层最低部分的无线电折射条件研究

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Atmospheric refraction is one of the mechanisms through which radio signals propagate in the atmosphere. The refraction of radio signals within atmosphere can be quantitatively investigated using k-factor. For standard atmospheric condition, a value of 4/3 for the k-factor is used for propagation modeling. Weather fluctuates for different places, times and heights, causing changes in the degree of refraction and propagation of radio signals. There is a lack of research work in the calculation of effective earth radius factor or k-factor in Pakistan. The current research has been conducted using two-years' meteorological data from the weather stations around the Margalla Hills. The annual, seasonal and monthly statistics of k-factors are presented. The relevant, comparable values are substantially different from the global average value, as well as those estimated from historic global ITU data. This supports the initial hypothesis that accurate calculation of such parameters is important, which requires latest, local meteorological data. This research will help in minimization of prediction problems related to k-factor values.
机译:大气折射是无线电信号在大气中传播的机制之一。可以使用k因子对大气中无线电信号的折射进行定量研究。对于标准大气条件,将k因子的4/3值用于传播建模。天气因位置,时间和高度的不同而波动,从而导致无线电信号的折射和传播程度发生变化。在巴基斯坦,有效地半径因子或k因子的计算尚缺乏研究工作。当前的研究是使用来自Margalla Hills周围气象站的两年气象数据进行的。列出了k因子的年度,季节性和每月统计数据。相关的可比较值与全球平均值以及根据国际电联历史数据估算得出的值均存在很大差异。这支持最初的假设,即精确计算这些参数很重要,这需要最新的本地气象数据。这项研究将有助于最小化与k因子值有关的预测问题。



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