首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of 2013 international symposium on environmental science and technology >An analysis of decoupling relationships of water uses and economic development in the two provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou during the first ten years of implementing the Great Western Development Strategy

An analysis of decoupling relationships of water uses and economic development in the two provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou during the first ten years of implementing the Great Western Development Strategy


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With the decoupling elasticity model,this paper studies the decoupling relationships (DRs) of total water uses (TWU) and provincial GDP,agricultural water uses (AWU) and agricultural added value (AAV),as well as industrial water uses (IWU) and industrial added value (IAV) respectively in Yunnan and Guizhou during the first ten years for the implementation of the Great Western Development Strategy.The results indicate that the DRs of water uses and economic development are highly undesirable in both provinces.Among the three groups,the DRs of AWU and AAV are the worst of all,with strong or weak coupling in 5 of the 10 years; the DRs of IWU and IAV are slightly better with strong coupling respectively in 3 of the 10 years in Yunnan and in 2 of the 10 years in Guizhou; and the DRs of TWU and GDP are the best,with strong or weak decoupling in 7 of the 10 years in both provinces.The DRs have improved in the period of 2006-2010 if compared with that in the period of 2001-2005.It is concluded that slow economic growth,low efficiency and poor structure of water uses are the main reasons for the worse status of DRs,and the development of economy and water uses efficiency promotes the DRs getting better.
机译:利用去耦弹性模型,研究总用水量(TWU)与省GDP,农业用水量(AWU)和农业增加值(AAV)以及工业用水量(IWU)和总用水量(TWU)的去耦关系(DRs)在实施西部大开发战略的头十年中,云南和贵州分别实现了工业增加值(IAV)。结果表明,这两个省的用水和经济发展的DR都非常不理想。 AWU和AAV的DR是最差的,在10年中的5年中具有强耦合或弱耦合; IWU和IAV的DR分别在云南10年中的3年和贵州10年中的2年中在强耦合条件下略好。 TWU和GDP的DR最好,在两个省份中有10年间有强脱钩.2006-2010年的DR与2001-2005年相比有所改善。结论是:经济增长缓慢,效率低下和用水结构不良是造成DR状况恶化的主要原因,经济和用水效率的提高促使DR变得更好。



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