
Workload-Aware Live Storage Migration for Clouds


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The emerging open cloud computing model will provide users with great freedom to dynamically migrate virtualized computing services to, from, and between clouds over the wide-area. While this freedom leads to many potential benefits, the running services must be minimally disrupted by the migration. Unfortunately, current solutions for wide-area migration incur too much disruption as they will significantly slow down storage I/O operations during migration. The resulting increase in service latency could be very costly to a business. This paper presents a novel storage migration scheduling algorithm that can greatly improve storage I/O performance during wide-area migration. Our algorithm is unique in that it considers individual virtual machine's storage I/O workload such as temporal locality, spatial locality and popularity characteristics to compute an efficient data transfer schedule. Using a fully implemented system on KVM and a trace-driven framework, we show that our algorithm provides large performance benefits across a wide range of popular virtual machine workloads.
机译:新兴的开放式云计算模型将为用户提供极大的自由,可将虚拟化的计算服务动态迁移到广域内的云之间,从云之间迁移。尽管这种自由带来了许多潜在的好处,但是必须通过迁移将正在运行的服务最小化。不幸的是,当前用于广域迁移的解决方案会造成太多破坏,因为它们会大大降低迁移期间的存储I / O操作。服务延迟的增加可能会给企业带来巨大的成本。本文提出了一种新颖的存储迁移调度算法,该算法可以大大提高广域迁移期间的存储I / O性能。我们的算法是独特的,因为它考虑了单个虚拟机的存储I / O工作负载(例如时间局部性,空间局部性和流行性)来计算有效的数据传输计划。通过在KVM上使用完全实现的系统和跟踪驱动的框架,我们证明了我们的算法在各种流行的虚拟机工作负载上都具有巨大的性能优势。



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