首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 2007 Asian technology information program's (ATIP's) 3rd workshop on High performance computing in China >Dynamic scheduling for dedicated grid and task scheduling with reliable communication for non-dedicated grid

Dynamic scheduling for dedicated grid and task scheduling with reliable communication for non-dedicated grid


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The Asian Technology Information Program (ATIP) will soon begin its fourteenth year of operations throughout Asia. ATIP is recognized as a premier source of information on Asia's most important scientific and technological trends and developments. ATIP covers a broad set of S&T topics across the Asian region, and is particularly experienced in reporting on High Performance Computing (HPC). ATIP provides timely information on Asian HPC initiatives and accomplishments and has published more than 400 reports on HPC in Asia. ATIP maintains offices and/or operations throughout the Asian region, including an office in Beijing China, and is an established activity in the Asian S&T community. HPC is a topic of particular importance in Asia, and specifically in China. ATIP has reported on China's HPC activities for more than a decade and is well known throughout the Chinese S&T community. ATIP conducted two highly successful China HPC Workshops in conjunction with the Supercomputing Conference in 2003 and in 2005. The primary goals of the HPC Workshops are to enhance Western understanding of developments in China and to foster collaborations between Chinese and Western research communities. >With support from the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) ATIP's held it's 3rd Chinese HPC Workshop, "High Performance Computing in China: Solution Approaches to Impediments for High Performance Computing," in conjunction with the Supercomputing 2007 Conference and Exhibition (SC07) held in Reno, Nevada (US) from November 11-16, 2007. Additional corporate and government sponsors of the workshop included the US Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG), Sun Microsystems, Microsoft, SGI, Clearspeed, IDC, Dawning, and Shanghai Supercomputer Center. Participants of the 3rd HPC Workshop were given the opportunity to have detailed discussions with key members of the international HPC community. >All academic papers submitted to the 3rd HPC Workshop were reviewed by Professor Hai Jin, Dean of the School of Computer Science and Technology at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, by Dr. Ninghui SUN, Director of the System Architecture Division at the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and by Mr. Yu ZENG, Secretary General of China's High Performance Computer Standardization Committee.
机译:亚洲技术信息计划(ATIP)即将在整个亚洲地区开展其运作的第14年。 ATIP被公认为是有关亚洲最重要的科学技术趋势和发展的主要信息来源。 ATIP涵盖了整个亚洲地区的一系列S&T主题,并且在高性能计算(HPC)报告方面特别有经验。 ATIP及时提供有关亚洲HPC计划和成就的信息,并已发布了400多份有关亚洲HPC的报告。 ATIP在整个亚洲地区设有办事处和/或运营机构,包括在中国北京的办事处,并且是亚洲科技界的既定活动。 HPC在亚洲,尤其是在中国尤其重要。 ATIP报告了中国的HPC活动已有十多年了,在整个中国科学技术界众所周知。 ATIP与2003年和2005年的超级计算大会一起成功举办了两次非常成功的中国HPC研讨会。HPC研讨会的主要目标是增进西方对中国发展的了解,并促进中西研究界之间的合作。

在美国国家科学基金会(NSF)的支持下,ATIP举办了第三届中国高性能计算研讨会,“中国的高性能计算:高性能计算障碍的解决方案”,与Supercomputing 2007大会和展览一起(SC07)于2007年11月11日至16日在美国内华达州里诺举行。研讨会的其他公司和政府赞助商包括美国海军研究全球办公室(ONRG),Sun Microsystems,微软,SGI,Clearspeed,IDC,曙光和上海超级计算机中心。第三届HPC研讨会的参与者有机会与国际HPC社区的主要成员进行了详细的讨论。

所有提交给第三届HPC研讨会的学术论文均由该学院院长Hai Jin教授进行了审查。华中科技大学计算机科学与技术学院院士,中国科学院计算技术研究所系统架构部主任孙宁慧博士和中国高性能教育学会秘书长曾宇先生计算机标准化委员会。



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