

机译:open packet.org

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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the First ACM Workshop on Network Data Anonymization (NDA 2008). This inaugural workshop focuses on the theory and practice of anonymization as it applies to network data for use by the Internet measurement research community and operators deploying network measurement technologies. Though the application of anonymization techniques to network traffic data is not a new area of work, several factors are now converging to focus attention on network data anonymization. These include a growing requirement for "real" network data for Internet measurement research studies as Internet measurement matures as a science; increasing interest in network data sharing across administrative domains for network operations and security purposes; and the continued scaling up of network monitoring and measurement activities, with the attendant increase in difficulty of maintaining the privacy of the end users of the network's end users. >The program this year consists of an invited talk, two panels, five papers, and addresses a wide variety of issues surrounding these factors. The talk and panel discussions focus on the interaction of network measurement, data sharing, and anonymization within their greater social, political, legal contexts, and feature jurists, researchers, technologists, and operators, for a wide and varied perspective on the field. Papers address advances in anonymization itself, especially relating to anonymization metrics and operational applications of anonymization, and in novel approaches to the problems anonymization is intended to solve. Authors and participants hail from North America, Europe, and Asia, reflecting the global nature of research in the field.
机译:非常荣幸地欢迎您参加首届ACM网络数据匿名化研讨会(NDA 2008)。本届研讨会的重点是匿名化的理论和实践,因为它适用于Internet度量研究社区和部署网络度量技术的运营商使用的网络数据。尽管将匿名化技术应用于网络流量数据并不是一个新的工作领域,但是现在有几个因素正在聚合,以将注意力集中在网络数据匿名化上。这些包括随着Internet测量技术的成熟,对Internet测量研究的“真实”网络数据的需求不断增长。出于网络运营和安全目的,人们越来越关注跨管理域共享网络数据;以及网络监控和测量活动的不断扩大,随之而来的是维护网络最终用户的最终用户隐私的困难也随之增加。




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