
Computerization and managerial control in large offices


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There is considerable debate over whether current practices of office computerization represent a continuation or reversal of "scientific management" principles. This issue will be discussed in light of case study research being conducted at the head office of a large insurance firm. The company is in the process of introducing on-line systems at the clerical level in the policy administration area. As part of this process and the concomitant reorganization of the company along territorial lines, the new jobs being created show a marked reduction in task fragmentation and some lessening of hierarchy, both regarded as characteristics of Taylorian organization. However, other features of scientific management, including skill dissociation, separation of conception from execution and control by monopoly of knowledge, are still very much in evidence, with computer systems playing a central role. Taylor's ghost may be dressed in modern garb, but it is certainly recognizable in computerized offices.




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