首页> 外文会议>第十七届国际结构物大气覆冰会议(IWAIS2017)论文集 >A Three-dimensional Model and Its Numerical Method for Aircraft Ice Accretion

A Three-dimensional Model and Its Numerical Method for Aircraft Ice Accretion


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Ice accumulation on aircraft wings in flying has been a danger.A numerical simulation method for ice accretion on airfoil is proposed,whichcombines the advantages of Fluent software and Matlab software.Firstly,the distribution of the flow field around the aircraft wingsis calculated by fluent,on this basis,the local collection efficiency on the wing surface is extracted by the user defined function(UDF),which is a secondary development tool.Secondly,considering the flexibility of Matlab programming,the results of the local collection efficiency are imported into Matlab.Within a given range of error,in order to improve the computationspeedand reduce the memory of computer,this paper proposesto restructure gridwith local water collection efficiency greater than 0 and recalculate the local collection efficiency by the average method.Taking into account the wing surface water droplets overflow in all directionsand analyzing mass and heat transfermodel of each control volume,ice accretion is along the direction normal to the surface,the icing mass on aircraft wingsis calculated by Matlab programming.The final results are displayed in the Tecplot software.At last,the ice shape of M6 wing is calculated by the above method in this paper,agreement of the results of local collection efficiency and simulated ice shape with the reference shows that the method is correct and general.Within a certain range,this method improves the computationspeedand reducesthe memory of computer,which makes the three-dimension icing calculation on aircraft wings easier.In addition,this method provides a reference for the study of wing deicing criterion and wing deicing method.



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