首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Mobile computing and networking >Altruistic cooperation for energy-efficient multi-channel MAC protocols

Altruistic cooperation for energy-efficient multi-channel MAC protocols


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Welcome to ACM MobiCom 2007, the Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, in Montreal, Canada. Continuing the tradition of one of the premier conferences in mobile networking, we have an exciting program on offer with papers, posters and panel, representing the best of today's research in mobile networking and computing!. >We received 233 paper submissions from 28 countries, out of which 26 papers were accepted as full papers and 14 papers were accepted as Extended Abstracts to be presented as posters. The quality of papers was outstanding as usual, forcing many hard choices on the Technical Program Committee (TPC). To select the papers, we employed a three-phase process. First, the TPC selected papers from an access-controlled web site and provided reviews; then, we had an online discussion phase that selected about 80 papers for more detailed discussion; finally, we had a TPC meeting in Evanston, Illinois to discuss and select 40 papers for inclusion in the program, either as full papers or Extended Abstracts. The review process was double blind and every paper received at least three reviews, many received four, and some received five reviews. >As in previous years, we have a Best Student Paper Award. The selection of the best student paper was done in two stages. First, a TPC sub-committee consisting of Farooq Anjum, Suman Banerjee, Sneha Kasera, Ben Liang and Mehul Motani short-listed candidate papers from among all full papers whose primary author was a student. These papers were reviewed in more detail, and discussed, after which consensus was reached on the winning paper. The MobiCom '07 Best Student Paper award goes to "Crossing Over the Bounded Domain: From Exponential To Power-law Inter-meeting Time in MANET" by Han Cai and Do Young Eun from North Carolina State University. Our congratulations to the authors. >Coming to the technical program, we have a wide variety of papers and posters organized into eight sessions over threedays. These include poster presentations of Extended Abstracts as well as student posters and demonstrations that were selected using a separate process from the papers. One of the sessions is dedicated to Challenge papers that describe revolutionary new approaches, technologies or visions to stimulate new research directions. We hope that you will find the MobiCom '07 technical program helpful in your research.
机译:欢迎来到ACM MobiCom 2007,这是在加拿大蒙特利尔举行的第十三届国际移动计算和网络年度会议。


像往年一样,我们获得了最佳学生论文奖。最佳学生论文的选择分两个阶段进行。首先,由Farooq Anjum,Suman Banerjee,Sneha Kasera,Ben Liang和Mehul Motani组成的TPC小组委员会从主要作者是学生的所有论文中筛选了候选论文。对这些论文进行了更详细的审查和讨论,之后就获奖论文达成了共识。 MobiCom '07最佳学生论文奖获得者是北卡罗来纳州立大学的Han Cai和Do Young Eun颁发的“跨越有界域:MANET中从指数到幂律的相遇时间”。我们向作者表示祝贺。

关于技术计划,我们在三天的时间里将各种各样的论文和海报分为八部分。其中包括扩展摘要的海报演示文稿,以及使用与论文分开的流程选择的学生海报和演示。其中一届会议专门讨论挑战性论文,这些论文描述了革命性的新方法,技术或愿景,以激发新的研究方向。我们希望您会发现MobiCom '07技术计划对您的研究有所帮助。



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