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Low btu gas is formed from the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. Common processes that produce lowrnbtu gases are petrochemical, blast furnace and carbon black. The combustion process is halted or frozen by coolingrnthe reaction quickly or not supplying sufficient oxygen to the process. The resultant effluent gases are sometimesrncalled process gas or tail gas because the gas is collected at the tail end of the process. These gases can range fromrnabout 60°F to as high as 1200oF ( 15℃ - 650 ℃ ). The lower heating value of this low btu gas is approx. 50 -100rnBtu/scf (466 - 933 kcal/Nm3). The effluent combustible components are CO, H_2, CH_4 and some heavier hydrocarbons.rnIt also contains inert components like N_2, CO_2 and H_2O (mostly from the quench water). Depending on therndegree quench the H_2O content of the low btu gas could be in the range of 30% to 40% on a wet basis.rnWhile in the United States of America most plants were originally designed to vent unburnt low btu gas directlyrninto the atmosphere, in Europe and Asia, where energy always has been at a premium, the energy from the combustionrnof these low btu gas for steam generation has been applied for quite a long time.rnA heat recovery system arranged downstream of combustion plants is mandatory in many countries in Europernbecause it is not allowed to vent the incinerated gas directly into the atmosphere. In the United States of Americarnthe low btu gas has been released unburnt for years. New laws and regulations have forced many producers to addrnincinerators. Since electricity is cheap and incinerator outlet temperatures are limited to as low as 1000°F in somernstates, quenching systems are being used instead of heat recovery systems. Schack has developed a water sprayrnquench lance that is water cooled and removed while in operation. A system of twelve (12) lances that has a maximumrnwater spray of 600 gpm with a 5 to 1 turndown to maintain a 1000°F outlet temperature plus or minus 50°F.rnSteam generation for turbine driven air blowers is also being contemplated in some U.S. plants.rnDue to the large amount of inerts in this flue gases like water vapor and nitrogen, the heating value of the gasrnis very low compared to conventional fuels like oil and natural gas. This results in adiabatic combustion temperaturesrnof only 1800°F to 2000°F (1000℃ to 1100℃) whereas those of oil and natural gas are about 3600°Frn(2000℃). This makes clear that the combustion systems have to differ from those used in conventional boilers.rnRefractory lined combustors, preheated combustion air and support fuel are sometimes required to maintain stablerntemperature.
机译:烃的不完全燃烧会形成低热量单位的气体。产生低热量的常见工艺是石化,高炉和炭黑。通过快速冷却反应或没有向过程提供足够的氧气来停止或冻结燃烧过程。产生的流出气体有时称为工艺气体或尾气,因为该气体在工艺的尾端收集。这些气体的温度范围从大约60°F到最高1200oF(15℃-650℃)。这种低btu气体的较低的热值约为1。 50 -100rnBtu / scf(466-933 kcal / Nm3)。废水中的可燃成分为CO,H_2,CH_4和一些较重的烃类。它还包含惰性成分,如N_2,CO_2和H_2O(主要来自急冷水)。取决于淬火的程度,低btu气体的H_2O含量以湿基计可能在30%到40%的范围内。rnn在美国,大多数工厂最初设计为将未燃烧的低btu气体直接排放到大气中,在欧洲和亚洲,这些国家的能源一直非常宝贵,从燃烧这些低热量单位的天然气中产生的能量已经被应用了很长一段时间。在许多国家,必须在燃烧装置下游安装一个热回收系统。欧洲,因为不允许将焚化后的气体直接排放到大气中。在美利坚合众国,低btu气体多年来一直未燃烧释放。新的法律法规已迫使许多生产者增加焚化炉。由于电价便宜并且在某些状态下焚烧炉的出口温度被限​​制在低至1000°F,因此使用淬火系统代替热回收系统。 Schack开发了一种喷水淬火喷枪,该喷枪在运行时经过水冷并取下。十二(12)支喷枪的系统最大喷水量为600 gpm,调节比为5到1,以维持1000°F的出口温度加上或减去50°F。美国工厂。由于这种烟道气中含有大量惰性气体,例如水蒸气和氮气,因此汽油的发热量比石油和天然气等传统燃料低。这导致绝热燃烧温度仅为1800°F至2000°F(1000℃至1100℃),而石油和天然气的绝热燃烧温度约为3600°Frn(2000℃)。这清楚地表明,燃烧系统必须不同于传统锅炉中使用的系统。有时需要使用耐火衬里燃烧室,预热的燃烧空气和辅助燃料以保持稳定的温度。



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