首页> 外文会议>PHYSOR 2004 - the physics of fuel cycles and advanced nuclear systems: global developments >ENDF/B-V and ENDF/B-VI Calculations for theLWBR SB Core Benchmarks with MCNP5?

ENDF/B-V and ENDF/B-VI Calculations for theLWBR SB Core Benchmarks with MCNP5?

机译:使用MCNP5对LWBR SB核心基准进行ENDF / B-V和ENDF / B-VI计算?

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The Light Water Breeder Water Seed and Blanket critical experiments are ofrnparticular interest because they include lattices of 233U and highly enrichedrnuranium fuel pins completely immersed in water. All eight experiments havernthermal spectra.rnMCNP5 calculations have been performed for these benchmarks, usingrnENDF/B-V and ENDF/B-VI nuclear data libraries. ENDF/B-V produces goodrnagreement with the benchmark values for keff. ENDF/B-VI produces reasonablernagreement with the benchmark values but not as good as ENDF/B-V. However,rnthe ENDF/B-VI results are less sensitive to the H/U ratio.rnBoth ENDF/B-V and ENDF/B-VI substantially underpredict keff for the threerncases that have 233UO2-ThO2 blankets. The thorium contains a small amount ofrngadolinium, and the calculated reactivity worth of that gadolinium ranges fromrnapproximately -0.002 △k to approximately -0.004 △k for the three cases. Givenrnthe ambiguity in the gadolinium content and its reactivity impact, it isrnrecommended that the uncertainty in the benchmark value of keff be increased forrnthese three cases.
机译:轻水育种者水种子和毯子临界实验特别受关注,因为它们包括233U晶格和完全浸入水中的高浓缩铀燃料棒。所有八个实验都具有热光谱。已经使用ENDF / B-V和ENDF / B-VI核数据库对这些基准进行了MCNP5计算。 ENDF / B-V与keff的基准值产生了很好的一致性。 ENDF / B-VI与基准值产生合理的一致性,但不如ENDF / B-V好。但是,ENDF / B-VI结果对H / U比的敏感性较低。对于具有233UO2-ThO2毯的三种情况,ENDF / B-V和ENDF / B-VI都大大低估了keff。 or中含有少量的ga,在这三种情况下,calculated的计算出的反应价值范围从约-0.002△k至约-0.004△k。考虑到the含量的含混性及其对反应性的影响,建议在这三种情况下增加keff基准值的不确定性。



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