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Application of infrared thermal imaging in the study of preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases with Chinese medicine health food


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To explore the assessing technique which could objectively reflect the characteristics of Chinese medicine in the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, four balance features of infrared thermal images (ITI ) corresponding to the up and down, left and right, proximal and distal balance of blood circulation of human body were studied. First, the ITI features of the middle-aged and elderly people with lipid abnormality history were compared with those of the healthy youth. It was found that the balance state of the youth was significantly better than that of the middle-aged and elderly, P≤0.01 for all the balance features. For the youth, the balance state of females was better than that of the males. But this sexual difference disappeared for the middle-aged and elderly group. Second, a double-blind randomized trial was carried out to study the influences of Shengyi capsule, a Chinese medicine health food with the function of helping to decrease serum lipid, on the balance features. The subjects were middle-aged and elderly people with lipid abnormality history. Shengyi capsule was taken by the trial group while Xuezhikang capsule (with lovastatin as the main effective component) by the control group for 108 days. The balance features of ITI showed that Shengyi was significantly better than Xuezhikang in improving the whole body balance of blood circulation (including the up and down, left and right, proximal and distal balance). The relative efficacy rate was 81.0% for the trial group and 33.3% for the control group, there was significant difference between the two groups (P=0.Q02). Shengyi could effectively decrease the low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) but the effect of Xuezhikang in decreasing total cholesterol (TC) and LDL-C was better than Shengyi. Though the lipid-lowering effect of Shengyi was not as good as Xuezhikang, ITI reflected the obvious advantage of Shengyi in improving the whole body balance of blood circulation which indicated that helping to decrease serum lipid is only part of the health function of Shengyi. The physiology and pathology basis of the influences of Shengyi on the four balance features and its relationship with the clinical outcome deserves further study. So the prospect of infrared thermal imaging is indicated as the suitable evaluation technique which could objectively reflect the whole balance regulation advantage of Chinese medicinal compounds.
机译:为了探索能够客观反映中药预防心脑血管疾病的评估技术,红外热像(ITI)的四个平衡特征分别对应上下,左右,近端和远端的血液平衡对人体循环进行了研究。首先,将具有脂质异常病史的中老年人与健康年轻人的ITI特征进行比较。结果表明,青年人的平衡状态明显好于中老年人,所有平衡特征的P≤0.01。对于年轻人来说,女性的平衡状态要好于男性。但是这种性别差异在中老年人群中消失了。其次,进行了一项双盲随机试验,研究了具有降低血脂功能的中草药保健食品盛义胶囊对平衡功能的影响。受试者为具有脂质异常病史的中老年人。实验组服用生益胶囊,对照组则服用雪脂康胶囊(以洛伐他汀为主要有效成分)108天。 ITI的平衡特征表明,在改善全身血液循环(包括上下,左右,近端和远端的平衡)方面,胜益明显优于血脂康。试验组的相对有效率为81.0%,对照组为33.3%,两组之间有显着性差异(P = 0.Q02)。生益可以有效降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C),但血脂康对降低总胆固醇(TC)和LDL-C的作用优于生益。尽管升益的降脂作用不如血脂康,但ITI反映了升益在改善人体血液循环平衡方面的明显优势,这表明帮助降低血脂只是升益健康功能的一部分。生益对四种平衡特征的影响的生理和病理基础及其与临床结果的关系值得进一步研究。因此,红外热成像的前景被认为是一种合适的评价技术,可以客观地反映中药化合物的整体平衡调节优势。



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