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Model-Driven Performability Analysis of Composite Web Services


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Web services are the building blocks of the emerging computing paradigm based on service-oriented architectures (SOAs). A web service is a self-describing, open component that supports rapid composition of distributed applications. In a SOA context, service providers are strategically interested both to predict and describe the QoS of the offered services. This paper introduces a model-driven approach to automatically predict and describe the QoS of composite web services specified by use of the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services. The paper is founded on a lightweight QoS-oriented extension of the WSDL and specifically addresses the QoS in terms of the performability attribute, which defines a combined measure of performance and reliability. The proposed approach is illustrated by use of an example application that shows how the performability analysis may lead to predictions that do not correspond to those obtained by approaches that only consider the performance attribute.
机译:Web服务是基于面向服务的体系结构(SOA)的新兴计算范例的构建块。 Web服务是一个自描述的,开放的组件,它支持快速组成分布式应用程序。在SOA上下文中,服务提供商在战略上对预测和描述所提供服务的QoS感兴趣。本文介绍了一种模型驱动的方法来自动预测和描述通过使用Web服务的业务流程执行语言指定的复合Web服务的QoS。该白皮书基于WSDL的面向QoS的轻量级扩展,并专门针对可执行性属性解决了QoS,该属性定义了性能和可靠性的组合度量。通过使用示例应用程序来说明所提出的方法,该示例应用程序显示了性能分析如何可能导致与仅考虑性能属性的方法所获得的预测不对应的预测。



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