
Exploiting Cascading Citations for Retrieval


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We report on the utilization of the cascading citations indexing framework (C~2IF) for thernidentification of similarities among items (in this case research articles) in a bibliographicrndatabase. More specifically, the problem of chaining forward from a given focal article isrnaddressed by considering the direct as well as the indirect citations that target the article inrnquestion. From the population of articles that cite the given article directly, those associatedrnwith a larger number of higher-level C~2IF constructs are found to be more similar to it. Thernfindings also appear to be of value for the mirror image problem of chaining backward fromrnthe focal article to a population of referenced articles. Cited publications for which the focalrnarticle represents/hosts a larger number of higher-level C~2IF constructs are likely to be morernsimilar to it.rnAs a testbed, sixty (60) highly cited computer science research articles are consideredrntogether with their associated bibliographic links over a six-year period (1999-2005) in thernScience Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) data. The dataset has been made available byrnThomson Scientific for conducting research along the lines of the Cascading CitationsrnAnalysis Project (C-CAP). Similarity values are calculated by considering author-supplied asrnwell as automatically generated keywords registered in the SCIE dataset. The purpose of thisrnresearch is to develop a strategy that will improve the effectiveness of retrieval in digitalrnlibraries that incorporate bibliographic citations.



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