
Gas Insulated Transmission Lines – Bulk Power Transmission Today and in the Future




In Asia the need of high power underground transmission systems is mainly driven by the rapid growth of the electrical power supply. In large cities (Mega Cities) the power ratings are constantly increasing, in some cases in the city centres by more ten 10% per year, and in the same time available space is constantly reduced. The reliability of the power supply of such Mega Cities is linked to the possibility of strong power transmission connections into the load centres. With the sizes of Mega Cities underground transmission length of 10, 20 or more kilometres will be normal applications in the future. The gas insulated line (GIL) offers a solution for such requirements: High Power Ratings, underground and across long distances. Gas insulated lines offer a suitable solution as they fit in the service scheme of transmission lines as well as they are capable to carry currents up to 4000 A. The second generation GIL also is used to connect different parts of the substation or power generation plant with a strong, high power transmission line. The advantage of the second generation technology is that the insulating gas is a gas mixture with only 20% SF6 and a majority of 80% N2 to reduce the total amount of SF6. The second advantage is that the GIL of the second generation is completely welded with an automated orbital welding machine, including a 100% quality control of the welding. Based on this new technology the enclosure is practically gas tight so that no refill is needed during lifetime.In this publication the focus is given to the future application of GIL under the special aspect of power transmission in densely populated areas. Additionally, the main primary and secondary components are being discussed as well operational issues such as maintenance and monitoring.
机译:在亚洲,对大功率地下传输系统的需求主要是由电力供应的快速增长推动的。在大城市(超级城市)中,额定功率不断提高,在某些情况下,在城市中心中,每年的额定功率增加了10%以上,同时可用空间也在不断减少。此类巨型城市的电源可靠性与到负载中心的牢固电力传输连接的可能性有关。随着巨型城市的规模扩大,地下传输长度将达到10、20或更多公里,这在将来将是正常应用。气体绝缘管道(GIL)提供了满足以下要求的解决方案:地下和远距离的高额定功率。气体绝缘线提供了一种合适的解决方案,因为它们适合于传输线的服务方案,并且能够承受高达4000 A的电流。第二代GIL还用于连接变电站或发电厂的不同部分,强大的大功率传输线。第二代技术的优势在于,绝缘气体是仅具有20%SF6和大部分80%N2的气体混合物,可减少SF6的总量。第二个优点是第二代GIL可以通过自动轨道焊接机完全焊接,包括100%的焊接质量控制。基于这项新技术,外壳几乎是气密的,因此在使用寿命期间无需重新填充。在本出版物中,重点介绍了GIL在人口稠密地区的电力传输特殊方面的未来应用。此外,还将讨论主要的主要和辅助组件以及诸如维护和监视之类的操作问题。



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