
Design of Large Diameter Monopiles under Lateral Loads in Normally to Moderately Overconsolidated Clay


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The objective of this paper is to address the applicability of using API RP 2GEO (2011) for the designrnof wind turbine monopile foundations in normally to moderately overconsolidated clays. The studyrninvolved three-dimensional numerical modeling using the finite-element method, one-g laboratory modelrntesting, and analysis of field test results. The following conclusions concerning the use of Matlock (1970)rnsoft clay p-y curves for the design of large-diameter monopile foundations are drawn:rn1. Numerical modeling and model-scale testing with rigid piles of different diameters indicate thatrnthe form of the Matlock (1970) p-y curves, in which the lateral displacement is normalized by pilerndiameter and lateral soil resistance is normalized by the ultimate resistance, appropriately capturesrnthe effect of pile diameter.rn2. Field and model testing indicate that the Matlock (1970) p-y models consistently overestimate thernlateral displacements at the pile head when used to analyze laterally loaded piles in normally tornmoderately overconsolidated clays.rn3. An approximate version of the Jeanjean (2009) p-y model, in which the Matlock (1970) p-y curvesrnare scaled by p-multipliers calculated at various depths, generally provides a reasonable match tornmeasured lateral displacements at the pile head when a relatively large strain at one-half thernundrained shear strength is assumed, i.e., ε_(50)= 0.02. This result applies both to small scale modelrntests in kaolinite and large-scale field tests in high-plasticity clay.rn4. Model tests show that cyclic loading causes the stiffness of the lateral pile-soil response to degradernby 20 to 30 percent. The amount of degradation is dependent on the displacement amplitude andrnthe number of cycles. All of the degradation happens within 100 cycles, after which the stiffnessrnis reasonably constant.rn5. Model tests show that the ultimate lateral capacity of the pile is not significantly affected by thernprevious cyclic loading.
机译:本文的目的是解决将API RP 2GEO(2011)用于普通至中度超固结粘土中的Designrnof风力涡轮机单桩基础的适用性。研究涉及使用有限元方法的三维数值建模,一克实验室模型测试以及现场测试结果分析。得出以下有关Matlock(1970)rn软粘土p-y曲线用于大直径单桩基础设计的结论:rn1。用不同直径的刚性桩进行的数值建模和模型规模试验表明,Matlock(1970)py曲线的形式是,其中侧向位移通过桩直径进行归一化,而侧向土壤阻力通过极限阻力进行归一化,从而适当地体现了桩的作用直径现场和模型测试表明,Matlock(1970)p-y模型在分析正常撕裂中度超固结黏土中的侧向荷载桩时,始终高估了桩头的横向位移。 Jeanjean(2009)py模型的近似版本,其中,Matlock(1970)py曲线通过在不同深度计算的p乘数进行缩放,通常在桩头处相对较大的应变下,可以合理地匹配测得的桩头横向位移假定为半不排水的剪切强度,即ε_(50)= 0.02。该结果既适用于高岭土的小规模模型测试,也适用于高塑性粘土的大规模现场测试。模型测试表明,循环荷载使桩侧土的响应刚度降低20%至30%。退化的程度取决于位移幅度和循环次数。所有的退化都发生在100个循环内,之后刚度合理地恒定。模型试验表明,桩的极限侧向承载力不受先前循环荷载的影响很大。



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