首页> 外文会议>Offshore Technology Conference;ExxonMobil;FMCTechnologies;Schlumberger >Effective and Innovative SIMOPS Management: A Key to Minimization of Production Shortfalls Associated to Deep Offshore Subsea and Drilling Brown Field Activities

Effective and Innovative SIMOPS Management: A Key to Minimization of Production Shortfalls Associated to Deep Offshore Subsea and Drilling Brown Field Activities


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By definition Brownfield projects are executed on facilities in production, with inherent risks andrnconstraints. The Deep Offshore dimension increases the complexity of these activities with the constructionrnand installation work carried out on live subsea networks and FPSO’s. Very often with drilling rigsrnoperating on the location and sometimes in parallel with maintenance and integrity works.rnThe key for safe and successful Brownfield activities, minimizing the production losses caused byrnrequired shut-downs, goes consequently through a specific management of these Simultaneous Operationsrn(SIMOPS).rnThis paper presents the SIMOPS management principles implemented in TOTAL E&P Angola forrnBrownfield activities executed on FPSO’s and their subsea network, along with different innovationsrnrecently introduced to further optimize the requirement for production shut down.
机译:根据定义,布朗菲尔德项目是在生产设施上执行的,存在固有风险和约束。通过在水下海底网络和FPSO上进行的建造和安装工作,“深海作业”规模增加了这些活动的复杂性。钻探设备经常在该位置钻探,有时与维护和完整性工程并行进行。rn确保成功进行Brownfield活动,最大程度地减少因必需的停机而造成的生产损失的关键是通过对这些同时进行的操作进行特定管理(SIMOPS)本文介绍了在FPSO及其海底网络上执行的TOTAL E&P安哥拉fornBrownfield活动中实施的SIMOPS管理原则,以及最近引入的各种创新以进一步优化停产要求。



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