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Temporary Deployment of Multiphase Flow Measurement to provide Well Performance Data: A Case Study


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This paper details the preparation and temporary deploymentrnof a Multiphase Flow Meter (MPFM) for a series of multi-raternwell tests carried out on high gas-liquid ratio (GLR)rnproduction wells.rnThe MPFM incorporated specific design features to permitrnaccurate measurement of liquid rates in high Gas VoidrnFraction (GVF) production streams and was prepared as a skidrnmounted unit for ease of deployment, hook-up andrndemobilisation.rnMPFMing was chosen in order to eliminate the need to flare orrnrecompress depressurised fluids. This permitted the wells to bernflowed at flowrates similar to their normal production rates,rnwhich maximised the benefit of the data obtained, without thernneed to deploy expensive and space consuming additionalrnequipment.rnThe ease and speed of deployment and hook-up demonstratesrnthat such equipment can provide well performance datarnsimilar to that collected by a conventional temporary well testrnspread.rnCumulative well performance curves generated from the datarncollected showed good correlation with production station datarnsupporting previous conclusions regarding the accuracy ofrnMPFM’s. The maintenance of this accuracy in the difficultrnhigh GVF flow regime vindicates the use of the particularrnequipment model and design chosen.rnThe small footprint, reduced crew size, and elimination ofrnflaring makes this system an attractive option for testing onrnunmanned facilities, in environmentally sensitive areas andrnwhen space constraints appear prohibitive.
机译:本文详细介绍了多相流量计(MPFM)的准备和临时部署,该多相流量计用于在高气液比(GLR)生产井上进行的一系列多抽油井测试.rn MPFM结合了特定的设计功能,可以准确测量油中的液率高气体空隙率(GVF)生产流,并准备为橇装单元,以易于部署,连接和复员。选择MPFMing以消除对火炬或再压缩减压流体的需求。这使得油井能够以与正常生产率相似的流量进行流水作业,从而最大化了所获取数据的利益,而无需部署昂贵且占用空间大的附加设备。部署和连接的简易性和速度证明了这种设备可以提供良好的采油能力。与常规的临时井测井收集的性能数据相似。从收集的数据生成的累积井性能曲线显示与生产站数据具有良好的相关性,从而支持了有关MPFM精度的先前结论。在困难的高GVF流动状态下保持这种准确性证明了所选择的特定设备模型和设计的正确使用。小占地面积,减少机组人员的尺寸以及消除了扩口,使得该系统成为测试无人驾驶设施,在环境敏感区域和太空中的有吸引力的选择。约束似乎令人望而却步。



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