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A study of signal processing method to detect juvenile tuna in set-net fishery


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Since January 2015, Japan has restricted harvesting of tuna weighing less than 30 kg (juvenile tuna), in accordance with Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission agreements. With the goal of re-attaining historical intermediate values of 43,000 tons of tuna resources by 2024, there is now an upper limit of 4,000 tons on the annual catch of juvenile tuna. Tuna fishing in Japan is performed by purse seine or set-net fishing, and quotas are allocated for each. Quotas for set-net fishing in Japan are allocated among six nationwide blocks. Set-net fishing is a passive method in which fishermen cannot control the amount or fish species that enter the nets. The catch in 2015 in the block that includes the coastline near Hakodate City exceeded quotas for juvenile tuna, so in June 2016 fisheries cooperative association implemented a 14-days fishing holiday with the goal of resource management. However, the resource conservation effects of such fishing holidays are unknown. A better approach for appropriate resource conservation would be cessation of fishing after the number of juvenile tuna entering set-nets exceeds a predetermined level. We therefore attempted juvenile tuna identification by attaching floating echo sounders to set-nets and analyzing the accumulated sonar data. We found that focusing on the periodicity of time-series sonar data allows such identification.
机译:根据西部和中太平洋渔业委员会的协议,自2015年1月起,日本限制了30公斤以下金枪鱼(少年金枪鱼)的捕捞。为了到2024年使金枪鱼资源的历史中间值重新达到43,000吨,现在少年金枪鱼的年度捕捞上限为4,000吨。在日本,金枪鱼捕捞是通过围网捕鱼或固定网捕捞进行的,并且每种捕捞都有配额。日本在六个全国范围内分配定渔网的配额。设置网捕鱼是一种被动方法,渔民无法控制进入网的数量或鱼类种类。 2015年,包括函馆市附近海岸线在内的该区块的捕捞量超过了少年金枪鱼的配额,因此,渔业合作社于2016年6月实施了为期14天的捕鱼假期,旨在实现资源管理。但是,这种钓鱼假期的资源节约效果尚不清楚。适当养护资源的更好方法是在进入定网的少年金枪鱼数量超过预定水平后停止捕鱼。因此,我们尝试通过将浮动回波测深仪连接到固定网并分析累积的声纳数据来尝试识别金枪鱼。我们发现,关注时间序列声纳数据的周期性可以进行这种识别。



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