首页> 外文会议>NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show(NSTI Nanotech 2005) vol.3; 20050508-12; Anaheim,CA(US) >A Principle of Regulating the Collective Effect of Assembling Patterns in a Moderate Number of Equivalent Finite Regular Arrays of Active Nanoelements due to Local Transferring Information by Pairs Hopping under Synchronous Excitation

A Principle of Regulating the Collective Effect of Assembling Patterns in a Moderate Number of Equivalent Finite Regular Arrays of Active Nanoelements due to Local Transferring Information by Pairs Hopping under Synchronous Excitation


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One summarizes finding of our recent computational research with a prospect of relevant feasibility study of regulating the process of assembling nano-sized elements into functional materials and systems. This shows that accomplishing the collective effect (CE) of assembling the active nano-elements into functional quasi two dimensional patterns over finite surfices within a number M of subsystems, being of the same type but different in details, may be regulated by changing the ambient conditions. This regulation of the CE requires that the immobile nano-elements, arranged into regular array over the surface, are to be activated due to local information transfer realized by hopping nano-sized elements, each represented by a pair of its ends only: sending end and the receiving one; two neighbor sites of the array identify position of that pair. Then, the CE may be regulated by varying the M, a common forcing factor and efficiency of projecting the regularity of the array onto the CE.
机译:其中一个总结了我们最近的计算研究的发现,并有望进行相关的可行性研究,以调节将纳米尺寸的元素组装到功能材料和系统中的过程。这表明在一定数量的子系统中,具有相同类型但细节不同的子系统中,在有限的表面上将活性纳米元素组装成功能准二维模式的集体效应(CE)可以通过改变环境来调节条件。 CE的这一规定要求,由于通过跳跃纳米级元素实现的局部信息传输,固定在表面上规则排列的固定纳米元素将被激活,每个纳米元素仅由一对末端表示:发送端以及接收者;阵列的两个相邻位点确定该对的位置。然后,可以通过改变M,公共强迫因子和将阵列的规则性投影到CE上的效率来调节CE。




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