首页> 外文会议>North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission bulletin >Influence of Physical Parameters on Zooplankton Variability during Early Ocean Life of Juvenile Chum Salmon in the Coastal Waters of Eastern Hokkaido, Okhotsk Sea

Influence of Physical Parameters on Zooplankton Variability during Early Ocean Life of Juvenile Chum Salmon in the Coastal Waters of Eastern Hokkaido, Okhotsk Sea


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Zooplankton variability during the early life of juvenile chum salmon and its relationship to physical environmental variability were studied from 2002 to 2004 in the Okhotsk Sea along the coast of eastern Hokkaido. During the study, the zooplankton taxa, Hydrozoa, Cladocera, Copepoda, Euphausiacea, Echinodermata and Appendiculata were commonly found. Cladocera, Copepoda, and Appendiculata were numerically dominant. At the boundary of the Soya Warm Current, the predominant zooplankton taxa shifted from Copepoda to Cladocera-Appendiculata. The predominant species of Copepoda, Cladocera and Appendiculata taxa were divided into two groups, based on their abundance and preferred water temperature and salinity. Group I was made up of cold-water species that prefer temperatures < 12°C and salinities < 33.6 psu. Group II was made up of warm-water species that prefer temperatures >12°C and salinities > 33.6 psu. Several species in Group I are important components in the diets of juvenile chum salmon. In Group I the cold-water copepod, Pseudocalanus newmani, was the most numerous species in Abashiri Bay from 2002 to 2004. Pelagic cold-water copepods (Neocalanus spp. other than Neocalanus cristatus) and neritic cold-water copepods (Eurytemora herdmani and Tortanus discauda-tus) were more abundant in 2004 than in 2002 or 2003. We theorize that the abundance of pelagic copepods may be related to the timing of the retreat of sea ice, and that the abundance of neritic copepods may be related to the displacement of less saline water under the influence of terrestrial inputs. The Soya Warm Current, sea ice, and less saline water are thought to be key factors affecting zooplankton variability and, by extention, influencing the life modes of juvenile chum salmon in the Okhotsk Sea.
机译:2002年至2004年,在北海道东部沿海的鄂霍次克海,研究了幼鲑的早期生命中的浮游动物变异性及其与物理环境变异性的关系。在研究过程中,常见的是浮游动物类群,水生动物,克拉克德拉,pe足类,紫杉类,棘皮类和阑尾。 Cladocera,Copepoda和Appendiculata在数量上占主导地位。在大豆暖流的边界处,主要的浮游动物类群从pe足目转移到了角la纲。根据其足量和首选的水温和盐度,将谷足类,C形纲和阑尾类群的主要种类分为两组。第一组由温度<12°C和盐分<33.6 psu的冷水种类组成。第二组由温水物种组成,它们更喜欢温度> 12°C和盐度> 33.6 psu。第一组中的几种物种是少年鲑鱼饮食中的重要成分。在第一类中,冷水co足类动物(Pseudocalanus newmani)是2002年至2004年网走湾中数量最多的物种。中上层冷水(足类动物(Neocalanus spp。Neocalanus cristatus以外的其他物种)和中性冷水co足类动物(Eurytemora herdmani和Tortanus) 2004年比2002年或2003年更为丰富。我们认为上层co足类动物的数量可能与海冰退缩的时间有关,而中性co足类动物的数量可能与海冰的撤离有关。在地面输入的影响下减少盐水。大豆暖流,海冰和少量盐水被认为是影响浮游动物变异性的主要因素,并通过扩展影响鄂霍次克海中幼鲑的生活方式。



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