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Detecting Deception in the Brain: A Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Study of Neural Correlates of Intentional Deception


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Little is known about the neurological underpinnings of deliberate deception. Recent advances in the detection of deception have examined brain responses during experimental deception protocols. A consensus has begun to emerge across the handful of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies that have examined deception implicating areas of the dorsolateral and inferior prefrontal cortex as active during deliberate deception. The purpose of the current study was to determine the utility of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIR), a neuroimaging technique that allows reasonable ecological utility, for the detection of deception. Using a modified version of the Guilty Knowledge Task, participants attempted to conceal the identity of a playing card they were holding while dorsolateral and inferior frontal cortices were monitored with fNIR. The results revealed increased activation in bilateral inferior frontal gyri (BA 47/45) and middle frontal gyri (BA 46/10) when participants were lying. The results provide evidence that inferior and middle prefrontal cortical areas are associated at least some forms of deliberate deception. fNIR has the potential to provide a field-deployable brain-based method for the detection of deception.
机译:关于故意欺骗的神经学基础知之甚少。欺骗检测的最新进展已经检查了实验欺骗方案中的大脑反应。少数功能磁共振成像(fMRI)研究已经开始达成共识,该研究已经检查了涉及在故意欺骗过程中活跃的背外侧和下额额叶皮层区域的欺骗。本研究的目的是确定功能性近红外光谱(fNIR)的实用性,这是一种神经影像技术,具有合理的生态实用性,可用于检测欺骗。使用改良版的有罪知识任务,参与者试图隐藏他们所持扑克牌的身份,同时用fNIR监测背外侧和下额叶皮层。结果显示,当参与者躺着时,双侧下额回(BA 47/45)和中额回(BA 46/10)的激活增加。结果提供了证据,下部和中前额叶皮层区域至少与某些形式的故意欺骗有关。 fNIR有可能提供一种可在现场部署的基于大脑的方法来检测欺骗。



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