首页> 外文会议>Scantek, Inc.;National conference on noise control engineering;Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA >Experimental Validations and Perturbation Tests of Vibro-Acoustic Reconstruction Using the Helmholtz Equation LeastSquares Method

Experimental Validations and Perturbation Tests of Vibro-Acoustic Reconstruction Using the Helmholtz Equation LeastSquares Method


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Experimental validations of reconstructing vibro-acoustic responses of a rectangular plate subjectrnto harmonic excitations using Helmholtz equation least-squares (HELS) method are shown. Thernobjectives of this experiment are to examine the accuracy and effectiveness of HELS method forrnreconstructing vibro-acoustic responses of highly non-spherical geometry. The dimensions of thernplate were 24× 48 cm2, which was placed on soft foam to simulate free boundary conditions, andrnwas excited by a mechanical shaker. The radiated acoustic pressures were measured by an arrayrnof 63 microphones with 6 cm spacing among individual microphones in two patches. These datarnwere taken as input to the HELS codes to reconstruct the normal velocity distributions on thernplate surface and acoustic intensity distribution on a plane at 6.5 cm distance. The reconstructedrnnormal surface velocity distribution was compared with that obtained by a scanning laser and thernacoustic intensities compared with those measured by an intensity probe at the same distance andrnpoints. To gain insight into the HELS method, perturbation tests were conducted systematicallyrnin which random errors were introduced to the coordinates of microphones, microphone spacing,rnphases and signal to noise ratios in the input data. These erroneous data were used to reconstructrnthe vibro-acoustic responses and their impacts were examined. Results of these perturbation testsrnshed light on the robustness and limitations of the HELS method as a practical tool for analyzingrnnoise and vibration mechanisms in engineering applications.
机译:显示了使用亥姆霍兹方程最小二乘(HELS)方法重建受到谐波激励的矩形板的振动声响应的实验验证。该实验的目的是检验用于重建高度非球形几何形状的声声响应的HELS方法的准确性和有效性。板的尺寸为24×48 cm2,将其置于软泡沫上以模拟自由边界条件,并由机械振动器激发。辐射声压是通过arrayrnof 63麦克风在两个贴片中的各个麦克风之间以6 cm的间距测量的。这些数据被用作HELS代码的输入,以重建板表面上的法向速度分布和6.5 cm距离平面上的声强分布。将重建的法向表面速度分布与通过扫描激光获得的法向表面速度分布进行比较,并将热声强度与通过强度探针在相同距离和点处测量的强度进行比较。为了深入了解HELS方法,系统地进行了扰动测试,其中在输入数据中将随机误差引入了麦克风的坐标,麦克风间距,相位和信噪比。这些错误的数据被用来重建振动响应,并检查了它们的影响。这些摄动测试的结果揭示了HELS方法的稳健性和局限性,该方法是一种在工程应用中分析噪声和振动机理的实用工具。



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