
Thermal Fluctuations in One-Dimensional Disordered Quantum Systems


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We study the low temperature phase diagram of one-dimensional weakly disordered quantum systems like charge or spin density waves and Lut-tinger liquids by a full finite temperature renormalization group (RG) calculation. In the classical region, for vanishing quantum fluctuations those results are supplemented by an exact solution of the model in the case of strong disorder, described by the ground state and the correlation function. Furthermore, by a mapping of the problem onto a Burgers equation with noise, in the case of weak disorder, we can derive an expression for the correlation length. At zero temperature we reproduce the (quantum) phase transition between a pinned (localized) and an unpinned (de-localized) phase for weak and strong quantum fluctuations, respectively, as found previously by Pukuyama or Giamarchi and Schulz. At finite temperatures the localization transition is suppressed: the random potential is wiped out by thermal fluctuations on length scales larger than the thermal de Broglie wave length of the phason excitations. The existence of a zero temperature transition is reflected in a rich cross-over phase diagram determined by the correlation functions. In particular we find four different scaling regions: a classical disordered, a quantum disordered, a quantum critical, and a thermal region. The results can be transferred directly to the discussion of the influence of disorder in superfluids. Finally we extend the RG calculation to the treatment of a commensurate lattice potential, which might lead to a new scenario for the unpinning (delocalization) transition at zero temperature.



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