
Delivery of Shiga Toxin 1 A Subunit into Epithelial Cells Using Silica-Based Nanowires

机译:志贺毒素1 A亚基使用基于二氧化硅的纳米线传递到上皮细胞中。

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Silica-based nanowires were used to introduce the Shiga toxin 1 A subunit (StxAl) into bovine and human epithelial cells. We extended our previous technology, which employs fibronectin (Fn) as a ligand to induce integrin-mediated uptake of nanowires by coating nanowires with StxAl and Fn. Without its counterpart, B subunits, the protein synthesis inhibitor StxAl, cannot enter eukaryotic cells without the aid of Fn-coated nanowires. The bonding strengths of StxAl and Fn to the surface of nanowires were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. This technique demonstrated some complex interactions between Fn, StxAl, and the nanowires. Neutral red cytotoxicity assays and field emission scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that the StxAl-Fn-nanowire complexes were effectively internalized and resulted in epithelial cell death. This study shows that nanowires can be used to carry StxAl or potentially other toxic or therapeutic agents into eukaryotic cells. Ongoing studies are aimed toward specific cell targeting and increasing the functionality of the StxAl.
机译:基于二氧化硅的纳米线用于将志贺毒素1 A亚基(StxA1)​​引入牛和人上皮细胞。我们扩展了以前的技术,该技术采用纤连蛋白(Fn)作为配体,通过用StxAl和Fn包覆纳米线来诱导整联蛋白介导的纳米线吸收。没有其对应物,蛋白质合成抑制剂StxA1的B亚基在没有Fn包覆的纳米线的帮助下无法进入真核细胞。 X射线光电子能谱研究了StxAl和Fn与纳米线表面的结合强度。这项技术展示了Fn,StxAl和纳米线之间的一些复杂相互作用。中性红细胞毒性测定和场发射扫描电子显微镜表明,StxAl-Fn-纳米线复合物被有效地内化并导致上皮细胞死亡。这项研究表明,纳米线可用于将StxA1或潜在的其他有毒或治疗剂携带到真核细胞中。正在进行的研究针对特定的细胞靶向和增加StxA1的功能。



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