首页> 外文会议>Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, 2009. UBICOMM '09 >Browsing Audio Life-log Data Using Acoustic and Location Information

Browsing Audio Life-log Data Using Acoustic and Location Information




The use of the log of personal life experiences recorded on cameras, microphones, GPS devices, etc., is studied. A record of a personȁ9;s personal life is called as a life-log. Since the amount of data stored in a life-log system is vast and since the data may also include redundant data, methods for the retrieval and summarization of the data are required for the effective use of the life-log data. In this paper, audio life-log recorded by wearable microphones is described. The purpose of this study is classifying audio life-log according to places, speakers, and time. However, the places stored in an audio life-log are obtained by GPS devices; information about rooms in buildings cannot be obtained. In this study, experiments were carried out on audio life-log. The audio life-log was divided into segments and clustered by spectrum envelopes according to rooms. The experiments show two situations in which the location information are captured and not captured. The results of the experiments showed that the location information helped in room clustering. Audio life-log browsing on a map using GPS is also suggested.



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