首页> 外文会议>Microbial diversity 2011 : environmental stress and adaptation >Preliminary investigation on microbial community of urban organic waste submitted to small-scale anaerobic digestion for biomethanation

Preliminary investigation on microbial community of urban organic waste submitted to small-scale anaerobic digestion for biomethanation


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The biomethanation process is used for disposal of organic waste and production of methane as a biofuel (Ferry, 2008). In biogas digesters, the organic substances are converted to methane, carbon dioxide, and other organic and inorganic compounds by anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic digestion is a biological process, which depends on a complex cooperation of numerous partner organisms of different metabolic capacities (Schink, 2008). Because mixed-culture fermentation involves large microbial communities it is important to select and identify microbial community members that catalyze the desired reactions. Since the characteristics of the mixed-culture system depend on the characteristics of the organic waste (Angenent and Wrenn, 2008), it is necessary to optimize the selection of appropriate microbial strains to exploit in bioreactor design (Kleerebezem and van Loosdrecht, 2007).
机译:生物甲烷化工艺用于处理有机废物和生产甲烷作为生物燃料(Ferry,2008年)。在沼气池中,有机物通过厌氧消化转化为甲烷,二氧化碳以及其他有机和无机化合物。厌氧消化是一个生物过程,取决于许多具有不同代谢能力的伙伴生物的复杂合作(Schink,2008)。由于混合培养发酵涉及大型微生物群落,因此重要的是选择和鉴定能催化所需反应的微生物群落成员。由于混合培养系统的特征取决于有机废物的特征(Angenent and Wrenn,2008),因此有必要优化生物反应器设计中所用微生物菌株的选择(Kleerebezem和van Loosdrecht,2007)。



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