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How Do Users Answer MATLAB Questions on QA Sites? A Case Study on Stack Overflow and MathWorks

机译:用户如何在问答网站上回答Matlab问题? 堆栈溢出和数学作业的案例研究



MATLAB is an engineering programming language with various toolboxes that has a dedicated Question and Answer (Q&A) platform on the MathWorks website, which is similar to Stack Overflow (SO). Moreover, some MATLAB users ask their questions on SO. This paper aims to compare these two Q&A platforms to see what kind of questions are asked and how developers answer these questions in each platform. The result of our analysis on 80,382 MATLAB questions on SO and 266,367 questions on MathWorks show that MATLAB questions on topics ranging from the MATLAB software installation to questions related to programming received high votes and accepted answers on MathWorks. However, the questions about basics of programming such as plots, functions, and variables and questions on converting MATLAB code to other programming languages are very likely to receive answers on SO. Our detailed analysis on SO shows that users answer MATLAB questions with the same rate of the accepted answer as other popular programming languages like Java and Python, but the rate of unanswered questions and questions without an accepted answer for Simulink and the three most popular MATLAB toolboxes -- image processing, signal processing, and computer vision -- are very high. To analyze the evolution of MATLAB questions on SO, we studied 80,382 MATLAB questions using the SOTorrent dataset. The patterns in MATLAB questions’ evolution are: 1) Most of the revisions to questions are text-related and not on code snippets. 2) Most of the code-related revisions were performed by the original poster (OP). 3) Non-original posters (Non-OPs) usually revise code snippets’ appearance, while OPs usually revise code snippets’ content and logic.
机译:Matlab是一种工程编程语言,具有各种工具箱,具有MathWorks网站上的专用问题和答案(Q&A)平台,类似于堆栈溢出(SO)。此外,一些Matlab用户会问他们的问题。本文旨在比较这两个Q&A平台,看看有什么问题以及开发人员如何在每个平台中回答这些问题。我们对80,382个Matlab问题的分析结果以及266,367个关于MathWorks的问题表明,Matlab关于从Matlab软件安装到与编程相关的问题的主题的问题,接受了高投票并接受了关于MathWorks的答案。但是,关于编程基础知识的问题,如情节,函数和变量以及将MATLAB代码转换为其他编程语言的问题非常可能会接收答案。我们的详细分析表明,用户应答Matlab问题与java和python等其他流行的编程语言相同的接受答案,而是未经Simulink和三个最受欢迎的Matlab工具箱的未接受的答案率和问题的速度 - 图像处理,信号处理和计算机视觉 - 非常高。要分析MATLAB问题的演变,我们将使用STORTENT DataSet研究了80,382个Matlab问题。 MATLAB问题的模式'进化是:1)对问题的大多数修订是与文本相关而不是代码片段。 2)由原始海报(OP)执行大多数代码相关修订。 3)非原始海报(非OPS)通常修改代码片段外观,而OPS通常会修改代码片段内容和逻辑。



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