
2-Node-Connectivity Network Design




We consider network design problems in which we are given a graph G = (V, E) with edge costs, and seek a min-cost/size 2-node-connected subgraph G′ = (V′,E′) that satisfies a prescribed property.1.In the BLOCK-TREE AUGMENTATION problem the goal is to augment a tree T by a min-size edge set F ⊆ E such that G′ = T ∪ F is 2-node-connected. We break the natural ratio of 2 for this problem and show that it admits approximation ratio 1.91. This result extends to the related CROSSING FAMILY AUGMENTATION problem.2. In the 2-CONNECTED DOMINATING SET problem G′ should dominate V. We give the first non-trivial approximation algorithm for this problem, with expected ratio O(log~4 |V|).3. In the 2-CONNECTED QUOTA SUBGRAPH problem we are given node profits p(ⅴ) and G′ should have profit at least a given quota Q. We show expected ratio O(log~2 |V|), almost matching the best known ratio O(log~2 |V|).Our algorithms are very simple, and they combine three main ingredients:1. A probabilistic spanning tree embedding with distortion O(log|V|) results in a variant of the BLOCK-TREE AUGMENTATION problem.2. An approximation ratio preserving reduction of BLOCK-TREE AUGMENTATION variants to NODE WEIGHTED STEINER TREE problems.3. Using existing approximation algorithms for variants of the Node WEIGHTED STEINER TREE problem.
机译:我们考虑网络设计问题,其中我们给出了具有边成本的图G=(V,E),并求满足满足规定性质的最小代价/大小2-节点连通子图G’=(V’,E’)。1.在块树增广问题中,目标是通过最小大小的边集F增广树T⊆ E使得G′=T∪ F是2节点连通的。我们打破了这个问题的自然比2,并证明它允许近似比1.91。这一结果推广到了相关的交叉家族扩增问题。2.在2-连通支配集问题中,G′应该支配V。我们给出了该问题的第一个非平凡逼近算法,期望比为O(log4 | V |)。在2-连通配额子图问题中,我们给出了节点利润p(ⅴ) G′至少应该有一个给定的配额Q。我们给出了期望比率O(log2 | V |),几乎与最著名的比率O(log2 | V |)匹配。我们的算法非常简单,它们结合了三个主要成分:1。带有失真O(log | V |)的概率生成树嵌入导致了块树扩充问题的一种变体。2.块树增广变量对节点加权STEINER树问题的近似比保持约简。3.对节点加权STEINER树问题的变体使用现有的近似算法。



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