
From air through skin to blood: dermal uptake of SVOCs commonly found in indoor air




During the past decade researchers have made significant advances in understanding the uptake of higher molecular weight organic pollutants via dermal absorption. Theories have been developed to predict their uptake from air, through bare skin, under steady-state and dynamic conditions. Further theories have been developed to estimate dermal uptake of organics from clothing. For SVOCs with the right combination of physical-chemical properties, exposure via dermal absorption is predicted to be larger than exposure via inhalation. Circumstantial evidence for dermal uptake of pollutants from the environment comes from an increasing number of reported correlations between specific chemicals in skinwipes and these same chemicals (or their metabolites) in blood and urine. This presentation will review key ideas that have taken us to this point. It also serves as an introduction to two talks that immediately follow: Gabriel Beko summarizing specific experiments that have demonstrated substantial direct dermal uptake from air for several SVOCs, and Glenn Morrison discussing clothing as either an inhibitor or amplifier of SVOC uptake via the dermal pathway. Taken together, this research has alerted us to the fact that dermal intake of certain common indoor SVOCs (e.g., phthalates, parabens, alkylphenols, benzophenones, synthetic musks, chlorpyrifos) can be an important exposure pathway.
机译:在过去的十年期间,研究人员通过皮肤吸收理解更高分子量有机污染物的吸收作出了重大进展。已经开发出理论以预测其在稳态和动态条件下通过裸露的皮肤从空气中摄取。已经开发了进一步的理论来估计从服装中的有机物的皮肤吸收。对于具有物理化学性质的右组合的SVOC,预计通过吸入的暴露的暴露会大于暴露。从环境中污染物的皮肤吸收的间接证据来自患有皮肤和血液和尿液中的特定化学物质和这些相同的化学品(或其代谢物)之间的报告的越来越多的相关性。此演示文稿将审查为我们提供了这一点的关键思想。它还介绍了两次谈判,立即遵循:Gabriel Beko总结了特定的实验,这些实验已经表现出几种SVOC的空气直接的皮肤摄取,以及Glenn Morrison讨论衣物作为SVOC吸收的抑制剂或通过真皮途径的放大器。在一起,这项研究提醒我们对某些常见室内SVOCs的皮肤摄入(例如,邻苯二甲酸酯,羟基苯甲酸酯,烷基酚,二苯甲酮,合成麝香,氯吡啶酚)可以是重要的暴露途径。



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