首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Economic Management and Model Engineering >The Influencing Factors of the Functional Division of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomerations Based on the Panel Data Model

The Influencing Factors of the Functional Division of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomerations Based on the Panel Data Model

机译:基于小组数据模型的京津 - 河北城市集团功能划分的影响因素



The article proposes that the main factors affecting the functional division of urban agglomerations are the degree of urban development, industrial structure, traffic conditions, informatization level, marketization level and government's macro-control efforts. Taking Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration as an example, this paper defines the spatial scope of the urban agglomeration, measures the functional division of the urban agglomeration, and empirically analyzes the panel data model from 2003 to 2017, and draws the following conclusions: (1) The significant factors affecting the functional division of the urban agglomeration are industrial structure, informatization level and the government's macro-control efforts. (2) The significant factors that influence the central urban group (Beijing and Tianjin) to play the productive service function are the degree of urban development, industrial structure and informatization level. (3) The significant factors that influence the marginal urban group (the cities in Hebei) to play the production and manufacturing function are the degree of urban development, informatization level, marketization level and government's macro-control efforts.
机译:文章提出,影响城市集群功能分工的主要因素是城市发展,产业结构,交通状况,信息化水平,市场化水平和政府的宏观调整工作的程度。以北京 - 天津 - 河北城市集聚为例,为一个例子,界定了城市集中的空间范围,衡量城市集群的功能划分,从2003年至2017年统一分析了面板数据模型,并提出了以下结论: (1)影响城市集聚功能划分的重要因素是产业结构,信息化水平和政府的宏观调制工作。 (2)影响中央城市集团(北京和天津)发挥生产力服务功能的重要因素是城市发展,产业结构和信息化水平。 (3)影响边缘城市集团(河北城市)发挥生产和制造功能的重要因素是城市发展,信息化水平,市场化水平和政府的宏观调整工作。



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