首页> 外文会议>International Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems >Deciding Representability of Sets of Words of Equal Length

Deciding Representability of Sets of Words of Equal Length




Partial words are sequences over a finite alphabet that may have holes that match, or are compatible with, all letters in the alphabet; partial words without holes are simply words. Given a partial word w, we denote by sub_w(n) the set of subwords of w of length n, i.e., words over the alphabet that are compatible with factors of w of length n. We call a set S of words h-representable if S = sub_w(n) for some integer n and partial word w with h holes. Using a graph theoretical approach, we show that the problem of whether a given set is h-representable can be decided in polynomial time. We also investigate other computational problems related to this concept of representability.
机译:部分单词是有限字母表中的序列,可以具有匹配的孔或与字母表中的所有字母兼容;没有孔的部分单词只是单词。给定部分单词W,我们表示由Sub_W(n)的SUB_W(n)长度N,即兼容字母表的单词,其与长度N的W的因子兼容。如果S = Sub_W(n)对于某些整数n和部分单词w,则会调用H-Compessable的单词H-Compessable的SET S.使用图形理论方法,我们表明,可以在多项式时间中确定是否可以在多项式时间内决定给定集合是H-代表的问题。我们还研究了与这种可爱概念相关的其他计算问题。



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