
The Glare Evaluation Method Using Digital Camera for Civil Airplane Flight Deck




Glare is a key factor influencing the visual performance in light conditions of civil airplane flight deck, but it is difficult to directly evaluate the complex glare sources in flight deck, such as non-uniform glare, irregular shape glare and indirect glare using current glare equations. In this paper, a method based on digital camera was proposed to evaluate glare is proposed to evaluate the glare from flight deck. Digital camera's imaging luminance measurement is based on High Dynamic Range (HDR) image processing. The computational procedures to calculate source luminance, background luminance, position index and solid angle of source, to detect the glare sources were developed in Matlab. And then, the desired glare index can be computed. Finally, Daylight Glare Probability (DGP) equation was utilized as an example to evaluate the glare for flight deck in daytime. The results indicate that the proposed method can compute glare index automatically and quickly.
机译:眩光是影响民用飞机飞行甲板的轻型条件的视觉性能的关键因素,但很难直接评估飞行甲板中的复杂眩光来源,例如使用当前眩光方程的非均匀眩光,不规则形状眩光和间接眩光 。 本文提出了一种基于数码相机的方法来评估眩光,以评估飞行甲板的眩光。 数码相机的成像亮度测量基于高动态范围(HDR)图像处理。 在MATLAB中开发了计算源亮度,背景亮度,位置索引和源的立体角度来检测眩光来源的计算过程。 然后,可以计算所需的眩光指数。 最后,日光眩光概率(DGP)方程被用作评估白天的飞行甲板的眩光。 结果表明,该方法可以自动快速地计算眩光指数。



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