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Evaluation of Breastfeeding Mobile Health Applications Based on the Persuasive System Design Model




The rapid and ongoing growth in information technology has created many applications for health and wellbeing, including breastfeeding. However, due to a lack of rigorous evaluation of these applications, midwives and other health professionals are unable to recommend any specific breastfeeding application in supporting women towards long-term breastfeeding as a global challenge. Only half of women in developed countries continue any form of breastfeeding for six months. The aim of this study was to evaluate the existing breastfeeding applications based on the Persuasive System Design model. An online search was conducted of the Apple Store in May 2017. The search strategy included the following keywords: breastfeeding, lactation and breast milk. After being checked against the inclusion criteria, each application was assessed based on the four Persuasive System Design Principles. Data from each application was then compared for each element of the design model. Eleven applications met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. Primary task support and system credibility support principles were addressed at acceptable level in all of the included apps. However, dialogue support and social support principles and their features like praise, reward and social networking were not identified in many of the applications. This review demonstrates the lack of dialogue support and social support principles that could augment human to computer dialogue. There is a need for designing a breastfeeding app that can persuade women to engage and continue breastfeeding based on a full Persuasive System Design model, thus promoting long term breastfeeding.
机译:信息技术的快速和持续增长为健康和福祉创造了许多应用,包括母乳喂养。然而,由于对这些应用程序缺乏严格评估,助产士和其他卫生专业人员无法建议任何特定的母乳喂养在支持妇女作为全球挑战中的长期母乳喂养。发达国家只有一半的妇女继续任何形式的母乳喂养六个月。本研究的目的是根据有说服力系统设计模型评估现有的母乳喂养应用。在线搜索是在2017年5月的Apple Store进行的。搜索策略包括以下关键词:母乳喂养,哺乳和母乳。在检查纳入标准后,根据四个有说服力的系统设计原则评估每个申请。然后将来自每个应用程序的数据与设计模型的每个元素进行比较。 11个申请符合纳入标准,并包含在审查中。在所有包含的应用程序中,在可接受的水平上处理了主要任务支持和系统可信度支持原则。但是,在许多申请中没有发现对话支持和社会支持原则及其具有赞誉,奖励和社交网络的功能。该评论表明,缺乏对话支持和社会支持原则,可以增加人员对计算机对话。需要设计母乳喂养应用程序,可以说服女性以基于完整的有说服力的系统设计模型来参与和继续母乳喂养,从而促进长期母乳喂养。



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