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First TOA fluxes from the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument




On 29th January 2004 the first Meteosat Second Generation satellite MSG-1, renamed Meteosat-8 (MS-8), commenced routine operations. MS-8 carries the new Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infra Red Imager (SEVIRI) and a Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) radiometer. GERB provides valuable short- and long wave broadband measurements of the Earth in order to estimate the top-of-atmosphere radiation budget accurately. The unique feature of GERB in comparison with previous measurements of the Earth's radiation budget is its very fast temporal sampling (15 minutes) afforded by geostationary orbit. On the other hand, the GERB instrument only accounts for a crude spatial resolution (about 50 km at the sub-satellite point). Taking advantage of the synergy between the data from GERB and SEVIRI, we propose at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium to merge the two data streams to produce near real-time estimates of the radiation budget for limited geographical regions at a 3x3 SEVIRI pixel resolution (the SEVIRI resolution is 3 km at satellite sub-point). Such fluxes aim to be used by the climate and numerical weather prediction (NWP) scientific communities through climate studies and validation/evaluation of the performance of NWP models over the region covered by MS-8.
机译:2004年1月29日第一气象卫星第二代卫星MSG-1,改名气象卫星8(MS-8),开始了日常操作。 MS-8携带增强新纺纱可见光和红外成像仪(SEVIRI)和对地静止地球辐射收支(GERB)辐射计。 GERB提供为了准确地估计顶级的气氛中的辐射预算有价值短期和长期波宽带地球的测量。 GERB的与地球辐射收支的先前测量的比较独特的功能是通过对地静止轨道提供了非常快的时间采样(15分钟)。在另一方面,该仪器GERB只占一个粗的空间分辨率(约在子卫星点50公里)。以从GERB和SEVIRI的数据之间的协同优势,我们建议在比利时皇家气象研究所的两个数据合并流在一个3x3 SEVIRI像素分辨率来产生有限的地理区域中的辐射预算的近实时估算(所述SEVIRI分辨率是在卫星子点3公里)。此类焊剂的目的是由气候和数值天气预报(NWP)通过气候研究和验证/ NWP模型在由MS-8覆盖的区域的性能评价科学界使用。



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