首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications >Geodesign as Co-creation of Ideas to Face Challenges in Indigenous Land in the South of Brazil: Case Study Ibirama La Klano

Geodesign as Co-creation of Ideas to Face Challenges in Indigenous Land in the South of Brazil: Case Study Ibirama La Klano

机译:雷吉尼奥作为面对巴西南部土着土地面临挑战的思想:案例研究Ibirama La Klano



Strong development pressures affect areas in South American countries, resulting in conflicts of interests in land use and ownership, and problems of environmental protection and anthropization. Geodesign proved to be a robust systematic methodological framework to guide a workshop in which the actors are real people of the place, professionals from public administration and the academy. The paper presents a case study about an indigenous land in Santa Catarina, South of Brazil, called Ibirama La Klano. the territory of Xokleng indigenous group. In 1970 a huge dam was constructed in their land to control flooding downstream in the Itajai valley, but it ended up causing the flooding of their place. The goal of the Geodesign workshop was to support a meeting in which different actors could co-create ideas to face vulnerabilities and to develop potentialities of the area. To prepare Geodesign workshop the academic group from UFMG and UDESC worked with the Civil Defense of the State of Santa Catarina, constructing maps about the place and evaluations about suitable areas to receive proposals. The indigenous main executive chief and regional chiefs were invited to Geodesign workshop, which resulted in ideas representing values of different sectors of society, arriving to a negotiated design.
机译:强大的发展压力影响南美国家的地区,导致土地利用和所有权的利益冲突以及环境保护和互动问题。雷尼多西被证明是一种强大的系统方法框架,以指导演员是真实的人物,来自公共行政和学院的专业人士的研讨会。本文提出了一个关于巴西南部的圣卡塔琳娜土着土地的案例研究,称为Ibirama La Klano。 Xokleng土着群体的境地。 1970年,在他们的土地上建造了一个巨大的大坝,以控制ITAjai山谷下游的洪水,但它最终导致他们的洪水。 GeodeSign讲习班的目标是支持一个会议,其中不同的演员可以共同创造面对脆弱性和发展该地区的潜力。为准备大鼠武器和Udesc的学术组织和乌代斯的学术集团致力于圣卡塔琳娜州的民防,构建关于合适地区的地图和评估的地图。土着主要行政总监和区域院长被邀请到乔颇业研讨会,导致代表社会不同部门价值观的思想,到达谈判设计。



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