首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Power System Technology >Analysis and Recurrence of Lightning Stroke Accidents for Three Gorges 500-kV Transmission Lines

Analysis and Recurrence of Lightning Stroke Accidents for Three Gorges 500-kV Transmission Lines




Lightning stoke has become the first environmentalfactor which influences the safety of 500-kV power grid in ThreeGorges near area. To grasp the operation level of transmissionlines, analyze and recur the lightning stroke accidents, andsummarize the characters, are the bases of finding and guidingthe effective lightning protection measures. In this paper, amethod of recurrence for lightning stroke accidents oftransmission lines was researched. Over 10 times of 500-kVlightning stroke accidents for about 15 lines in Three Gorgesnear area during the year of 2007-2009 were recurred andanalyzed. Combined with the lightning detection information andsimulated calculation, the range of lightning shielding incidencepoints were concluded. The conclusions and characteristics ofaccident recurrence and analysis would provide good referencesfor the lightning protection performance improvement.
机译:闪电踩踏已成为第一种环保因子,它影响了三层距离区域的500 kV电网的安全性。为了掌握运行线路的运行水平,分析和重复闪电行程事故,并使人物效果,是寻找和引导有效防雷措施的基础。在本文中,研究了转移线的雷击卒中事故的复发的过度。在2007 - 2009年在2007 - 2009年的三个峡谷地区约有15行的超过10倍的卒中事故进行了重现并进行了成分。结合雷击检测信息和刺激计算,结合了闪电屏蔽入射点的范围。结论和特征的复发和分析将提供良好的避雷绩效改进的参考。



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