首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality >A Two-Level Planning Framework for Mixed Reality Interactive Narratives with User Engagement

A Two-Level Planning Framework for Mixed Reality Interactive Narratives with User Engagement




We present an event-based interactive storytelling system for virtual 3D environments that aims to offer free-form user experiences while constraining the narrative to follow author intent. The characters of our stories are represented as smart objects, each having their own state and set of capabilities that they expose to the virtual world. Our narratives are represented as a collection of branching stories, where narrative flow is controlled by author-defined states. A user model is employed to evaluate the user's engagement with smart objects and events, based on proximity, interaction patterns and visibility to the user. A two-level online planning system is designed to find the best narrative trajectory along pre-authored stories, according to the user model, and to generate a story sequence to the best trajectory with Monte Carlo Tree Search. We present the capabilities of our interactive storytelling system on an example story and describe the adaptations required for modeling user engagement in AR and VR applications.
机译:我们为虚拟3D环境提供了基于事件的交互式讲故事系统,该系统旨在提供自由形式的用户体验,同时限制叙述遵​​循作者意图。我们的故事的角色表示为智能对象,每个智能对象都具有自己的状态和一组功能,它们暴露于虚拟世界。我们的叙述被代表为分支故事的集合,其中叙述流由作者定义的状态控制。使用用户模型基于对用户的接近,交互模式和可见性来评估用户与智能对象和事件的参与。根据用户模型,双层在线规划系统旨在找到沿预先撰写故事的最佳叙述轨迹,并将故事序列生成与Monte Carlo树搜索的最佳轨迹。我们在示例故事上展示了我们的交互式讲故事系统的功能,并描述了在AR和VR应用程序中建模用户参与所需的适应。



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