首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Social Informatics >Naming Game Dynamics on Pairs of Connected Networks with Competing Opinions

Naming Game Dynamics on Pairs of Connected Networks with Competing Opinions




We study the Naming Game (NG) dynamics when two disjoint networks with nodes in consensus on competing opinions are connected with new links. We consider two sets of networks; one contains several networks with real-life communities, the other networks generated with the Watts-Strogatz and Barabasi-Albert models. For each set, we run NG on all the possible pairs of networks and observe whether a consensus is reached to determine network features that correlate highly with such outcome. The main conclusion is that the quality of network community structure informs network's ability to resist or exert influence from/on others. Moreover, the outcomes depend on whether Speaker-First of Listener-First NG is run and on whether a speaker or listener is biased towards high or low degree nodes. The results reveal strategies that may be used to enable and accelerate convergence to consensus in social networks.
机译:当与竞争意见的共识中的一个节点的一个不相交的网络有关的新链接时,我们研究命名游戏(NG)动态。我们考虑两套网络;一个包含几个具有现实生活社区的网络,与Watts-Strogatz和Barabasi-Albert模型一起生成的其他网络。对于每组,我们在所有可能对网络上运行NG并遵守达成共识,以确定高度与此类结果相关的网络功能。主要结论是,网络界结构的质量通知网络抵抗或施加影响/对他人影响的能力。此外,结果取决于扬声器 - 首先是否正在运行扬声器 - 首先是扬声器或侦听器是否偏向高或低度节点。结果揭示了可用于启用和加速社会网络共识的融合的策略。



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