首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science >An investigation of the applicability of permanent magnet quadrupole arrays for high-power microwave tubes

An investigation of the applicability of permanent magnet quadrupole arrays for high-power microwave tubes




Summary form only given, as follows. Magnetic quadrupoles have long been used in accelerator research for focusing high-energy particle beams. The advent of high-field, rare-earth permanent magnet materials has also spurred interest in permanent magnet quadrupoles (PMQ's) since they are more lightweight and compact than their electromagnet counterparts and do not require power supplies or extraneous cooling. We study the potential use of closely-packed periodic permanent magnet quadrupoles for use in microwave tubes. In the most basic configuration, PMQ's require four separate magnets in any given transverse plane, hence they are more expensive and complicated to assemble than conventional PPM stacks. Despite this fact, the stronger focusing available from PMQ's may make them attractive for high-perveance beams, even at the low beam voltages generally of interest for compact slow-wave devices. Being iron-free systems, PMQ arrays may also lead to reductions in tube weight. We will compare and contrast PMQ and PPM stacks in terms of the beam focusing and beam quality that each provide and in terms of the comparative cost and difficulty of assembly. Results from two-dimensional beam envelope calculations and particle-in-cell simulations will be discussed.



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