
Grism Spectroscopy with FLITECAM




FLITECAM, a near-infrared instrument being developed at the UCLA Infrared lab, will be the first light infrared instrument for NASA's SOFIA aircraft. In addition to its imaging capability, FLITECAM has been equipped with three direct-ruled KRS-5 grisms, allowing observations in 9 spectral bands, and giving nearly continuous spectral coverage from 1 to 5.5 microns. The design favors regions of the spectrum that are heavily attenuated except at high altitudes. The grisms are used with a dual-width long slit to yield a spectral resolution of R~1700 at high resolution and R~ 900 at low resolution. This resolution is better than that of the IRAS, ISO or KAO spectrometers, and covers a spectral regime left unsampled by the Spitzer Space Telescope. When used on the SOFIA, FLITECAM's spectroscopic mode will allow astronomical investigation of near-infrared features at a low water vapor overburden. The grism spectroscopic mode has been demonstrated on the Shane 120 inch telescope at Lick Observatory by observations of astronomical targets of interest, especially the PAH feature at 3.3 microns in HII regions and young planetary nebulae.
机译:Flitecam是在UCLA红外实验室开发的近红外仪器,将成为美国宇航局索非亚飞机的第一款光红外仪器。除了其成像能力外,Flitecam还配备了三种直接统治的KRS-5型生物,允许在9个光谱带中观察,并从1到5.5微米的近似连续的光谱覆盖率。除高度高度外,设计有利于频谱的频谱区域。该生物与双宽长狭缝一起使用,以在低分辨率下高分辨率和R〜900产生R〜1700的光谱分辨率。该分辨率优于IRA,ISO或Kao光谱仪的分辨率,并覆盖Spitzer Space望远镜的频谱制度。当在索非亚使用时,Flitecam的光谱模式将允许在低水蒸汽覆盖上的近红外特征的天文研究。通过观察天文目标的观测,在莱克观测台上已经在莱克观测站上证明了生物光谱模式,特别是在HII地区和年轻行星星云中的3.3微米的PAH特征。



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