
Making mirrors for giant telescopes




Advances in our understanding of the Universe depend on improvements in sensitivity and angular resolution that can come only with larger telescopes. Telescope diameters increased by almost an order of magnitude in the last century, but that growth has been sporadic, limited mainly by the ability to make bigger mirrors that hold their shape against the dynamic effects of gravity, wind and temperature. Three major advances in mirror technology occurred in the 1980s, including the lightweight honeycomb mirrors made at the Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab at the University of Arizona. In this informal paper, I will describe these technologies and show how they enabled the current generation of 8- to 12-m telescopes and how they are now being used to build telescopes of 25 to 39 m.
机译:我们对宇宙的理解的进步取决于敏感性和角度分辨率的改进,可以使用较大的望远镜。望远镜直径在上世纪的几乎增加了数量级,但增长已经散发,主要是通过制造更大的镜子来阻止重力,风和温度的动态效果的更大镜子的能力。 20世纪80年代,镜子技术的三大主要进展发生在20世纪80年代,包括在亚利桑那大学的理查德F. Caris镜实验室制造的轻质蜂窝镜子。在这个非正式论文中,我将描述这些技术,并展示它们如何使目前的8到12米望远镜的产生以及它们现在如何用于建造25至39米的望远镜。



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