
Detection of Hypernasal Speech in Children with Cleft Palate




The pronunciation of a speaker with cleft lip or palate or subjects with defective velopharyngeal mechanism is marked by hypernasality and actually an operation is necessary to reduce this hypernasality. Then an assessment of hypernasality is imperative to quantify the effect of the surgery and design the speech therapy sessions. In this paper, a new quantitative method is proposed to estimate hypernasality. The proposed method used the fact that an Autoregressive (AR) model for vocal tract system of a patient with cleft palate is not accurate, because the zeros appear in the frequency response of vocal tract system. Therefore in our method hypernasality was estimated by comparing the distance between the sequences of cepstrum coefficients extracted from AR model and Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) model. Since the proposed method needs only digitized speech data, it is provides a straightforward and cost-effective evaluation of hypernasality.
机译:扬声器具有唇裂或口感或受缺陷的velopharyngeal机制的对象的发音标志着,实际上是减少这种过度的操作。 然后,对发廊的评估是量化手术的影响和设计语音疗法会话。 本文提出了一种新的定量方法来估计缺陷性。 所提出的方法使用了具有腭裂腭裂的患者的声乐系统的自回归(AR)模型不准确,因为零看起来在发声系统的频率响应中。 因此,在我们的方法中,通过比较从AR模型和自回归移动平均(ARMA)模型中提取的综合系数的序列之间的距离来估计内向性。 由于所提出的方法仅需要数字化语音数据,因此它提供了直接和成本效益的上衣评估。



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