
Laplacians on Julia Sets III: Cubic Julia Sets and Formal Matings




We continue the study of constructing invariant Laplacians on Julia sets, and studying properties of their spectra. In this paper we focus on two types of examples: 1) Julia sets of cubic polynomials z~3 + c with a single critical point; 2) formal matings of quadratic Julia sets. The general scheme introduced in earlier papers in this series involves realizing the Julia set as a circle with identifications, and attempting to obtain the Laplacian as a renormalized limit of graph Laplacians on graphs derived form the circle with identifications model. In the case of cubic Julia sets the details follows the pattern established for quadratic Julia sets, but for matings the details are quite challenging, and we have only been completely successful for one example. Once we have constructed the Laplacian, we are able to use numerical methods to approximate the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. One striking observation from the data is that for the cubic Julia sets the multiplicities of all eigenspaces (except for the trivial eigenspace of constants) are even numbers. Nothing like this is valid for the quadratic julia sets studied earlier. We are able to explain this, based on the fact that three is an odd number, and more precisely because the dihedral-3 symmetry group has only two distinct one-dimensional irreducible representations.
机译:我们继续研究在朱莉娅套上构建不变拉普拉斯人,并研究其光谱的性质。在本文中,我们专注于两种类型的例子:1)朱莉娅立方多项式Z〜3 + C的巨型组合点; 2)二次朱莉娅套装的正式结节。本系列早期论文中介绍的一般方案涉及将Julia设置为具有标识的圆圈,并试图获得Laplacian作为图形拉普拉人的重字限制,与标识模型形成圆圈。在Cubic Julia设置的情况下,详细说明了为二次朱莉娅套建立的模式,但是对于多云来说,细节非常具有挑战性,我们只有一个例子完全成功。一旦我们建造了拉普拉斯人,我们就可以使用数值方法来近似特征值和特征障碍。从数据的一个引人注目的观察是,对于立方朱利亚来设置所有成分空间的多个(常量的琐事Eigenspace)均为偶数。没有这样的东西对于早些时候研究的二次朱莉娅集是有效的。我们能够基于三个是奇数的事实来解释这一点,更精确地是因为Dihedral-3对称组仅具有两个不同的一维不可缩小的表示。



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