
Grid Middleware Modelling for Self-Adaptive Deployment




Software systems are increasingly expected to be self-adaptive. Such software systems have the capability to autonomously modify their behaviour at run-time in response to changes in their environment. This capability may be included in the software systems at design time or later by external mechanisms. Therefore, along their development process multiple adaptation concerns must be considered, such as the response to changes in the utilization patterns, the need for alternative algorithms for implementing a function, or the diversity of the infrastructure. This paper describes an architecture which aims to add self-adaptive capabilities to an existing middleware so that its deployment becomes self-adaptive. The framework uses external mechanisms for that purpose since this capability was not a native feature. The paper describes also a way to model system architecture, a hierarchical middleware architecture and a middleware deployment topology.
机译:软件系统越来越预期自适应。 此类软件系统具有在响应其环境的变化时自主修改运行时的行为。 这种能力可以在设计时间或以后通过外部机制包括在软件系统中。 因此,沿着他们的发展过程必须考虑多种适应问题,例如对利用模式的变化的响应,需要用于实现函数的替代算法,或基础设施的分集。 本文介绍了一种旨在向现有中间件添加自适应功能的架构,使其部署成为自适应。 该框架为此目的使用外部机制,因为此功能不是本机特征。 本文还介绍了模型系统架构,分层中间件架构和中间件部署拓扑的方法。



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