
Public Involvement Phobia




For many water utilities professionals, the mention of public involvement creates an almost involuntary shudder. They fear their project schedule will be blown, the project budget will skyrocket, and – maybe worse – they will have to talk to, interact with, or accommodate a lot of community residents with irrational demands. That’s not a pretty picture to anyone in the water industry. Since support from managers and engineers is one key to a successful public involvement program, is there any way to raise the comfort level of the “public involvement phobic?” This paper will discuss what public involvement brings to a utility project and shows how a multi-disciplinary project team can get pipes, pump stations and reservoirs in the ground – and do it with public support! Public involvement is no longer optional once a project has come to the attention of community residents, elected officials, regulators and the media. There are several situations that can raise the attention level of these audiences. The paper will highlight the “hot buttons” that can create those situations and describe some techniques that can help avoid them and put the utility “ahead of the curve.” There are a number of excellent tools that describe public involvement techniques and discuss how to use them, as well as some research based recommendations relating to public involvement timing. Providing this type of information to managers and engineers helps demonstrate the track record for public involvement programs and lets them know that there is some research basis for public involvement concepts. Resources such as the toolbox recently developed by AWWA, the public involvement matrix developed by the International Association of Public Participation, and various AwwaRF reports are readily available to utilities. In addition, a customized public involvement approach can be designed for a utility by a consultant working closely with the utility staff. The paper will describe how to determine the best approach for a particular situation. Finally, managers and engineers who have included public involvement professionals as part of a multi-disciplinary team effort have found their projects have more community support, fewer legal challenges and are constructed on time. Case study examples will show the reluctant manager or engineer how working with the community can benefit their utility. Utility staff at all levels will take away some valuable lessons learned from the case study examples that they can apply in their own community – and managers who fear public involvement will be able to move another step closer to requesting a communication plan and program for their future projects.
机译:对于许多水公用事业专业人士,提及公众参与创造了几乎不自主的颤抖。他们担心他们的项目时间表将被吹,项目预算将飙升,而且 - 可能更糟 - 他们将不得不与之交谈,互动,或容纳具有非理性需求的社区居民。这对水业中的任何人都不是漂亮的照片。由于管理人员和工程师的支持是成功的公共参与计划的一个关键,因此有没有办法提高“公众参与恐怖?”的舒适程度本文将讨论公众参与为公用事业项目带来的内容,并展示了多学科项目团队如何在地面上获取管道,泵站和水库 - 并与公共支持进行操作! Public involvement is no longer optional once a project has come to the attention of community residents, elected officials, regulators and the media.有几种情况可以提高这些受众的注意力水平。本文将突出显示能够创造这些情况的“热按钮”,并描述一些有助于避免它们并将效用“在曲线之前放置的技术。”有许多优秀的工具描述了公众参与技术,并讨论如何使用它们,以及一些与公众参与时机有关的基于研究的建议。向经理和工程师提供此类信息有助于展示公众参与计划的轨道记录,并让他们知道公共参与概念有一些研究依据。由AWWA最近开发的工具箱等资源,由国际公众参与协会和各种AWWARF报告开发的公共参与矩阵以及公用事业公司。此外,可以通过与公用事业人员密切合作的顾问来设计定制的公共参与方法。本文将描述如何确定特定情况的最佳方法。最后,包括公众参与专业人士作为多学科团队努力的一部分的经理和工程师已经发现其项目有更多的社区支持,更少的法律挑战,并按时建造。案例研究示例将显示不情愿的经理或工程师如何与社区合作可以使其效用受益。各级的公用事业工作人员将从案例研究中吸取一些有价值的经验教训,以至于他们可以在自己的社区申请 - 担心公众参与的经理将能够更接近要求沟通计划和未来的沟通计划和计划项目。



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