
Random Coding Bounds on Concatenated Space-Time Transmission over MIMO Multiple Access Systems




Union upper bound and error exponent (cutoff rate) expressions for transmission of block codes over MIMO multiple access (MA) channels are obtained in closed forms. A series of combinatorial codeword enumeration problems are solved under the assumption of transmission of random block codes. Obtained bounds are meaningful as performance prediction and design tools for future MIMO MA systems in which each user employs a turbo-like block code as the outer code to drive the space-time inner code. The assumption of random outer block codes facilitates a closed-form derivation of the bound at the expense of losing some accuracy. To see its usefulness as a bound, bounds are compared with extensive system simulation results of a practical multi-user detection (MUD) receiver. The practical MUD receiver employs a turbo-iterative detection and decoding scheme while the transmitter employs the low-density parity-check code as the outer code and the BLAST type space-time transmission scheme as the inner code. The random block coding bounds are shown to match quite well with the simulation results.
机译:以封闭形式获得用于通过MIMO多址(MA)通道的块代码传输的块上限和错误指数(截止速率)表达式。在随机块代码的传输的假设下解决了一系列组合码字枚举问题。获得的范围是有意义的,作为未来MIMO MA系统的性能预测和设计工具,其中每个用户使用涡轮状块代码作为外部代码来驱动时空内部代码。随机外部块代码的假设有助于以牺牲一些精度为代价的封闭形式推导。要将其用作绑定的有用性,将界限与实际的多用户检测(MUD)接收器的广泛系统仿真结果进行比较。实际泥浆接收器采用涡轮迭代检测和解码方案,而发射器采用低密度奇偶校验码作为外部代码和作为内部代码的爆炸型空间传输方案。随机块编码界限显示与模拟结果相匹配。



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