
Photodynamic therapy repeated without reinjection of Photofrin (porfimer sodium)




Background and objective: To compare the effectiveness in decreasing the amount of obstruction caused by endobronchial tumors when they are retreated with photodynamic therapy (PDT) several weeks after injection of Photofrin$+R$/ (porfimer sodium). Study design, materials and methods: The percentage of endobronchial obstruction from tumors before PDT and at the end of toilet bronchoscopy of 91 sites with PDT performed within 4 days after injection of porfimer sodium was compared to that obtained when PDT was repeated without re-injection of porfimer sodium in the time frames 2 - 4 weeks after injection to 11 sites and the period 4 - 8 weeks after injection to 17 sites. All patients were injected intravenously with 60 mg of Photofrin$+R$/ per square meter of body surface and all treatments were done with a power density of 500 mW/CF and a light dose of 400 J/CF delivered from cylinder diffusing fibers. Results: Paired Student's t tests and Wilcoxon signed ranks tests showed significant decreases in the percentage of endobronchial obstruction regardless of whether the PDT was first performed or repeated. Unpaired Student's t tests and Mann-Whitney U statistical comparisons showed a significant difference between the decrease of obstruction when treatment was performed within the first 4 days after injection (mean 41%) as compared to the repeated group 2 to 4 weeks after injection (mean 16%) and the group treated 4 to 8 weeks after injection (mean 19%). However there was no significant difference in the amount of decrease of obstruction between the 2 - 4 week group and the 4 - 8 week group. Conclusions: Photodynamic therapy to relieve endobronchial obstruction can be repeated without reinjection of Photofrin$+R$/ up to 8 weeks after injection with a significant decrease in the amount of obstruction. However, it will only be about 1/3 as effective as the initial treatment performed within the first four days of injection.
机译:背景和目的:在注射光学rin $ + r $ /(Porfimer钠)后,在用光动力治疗(PDT)恢复时,将效果进行比较降低内核肿瘤引起的阻塞量。研究设计,材料和方法:PDT之前肿瘤的胚胎梗阻率的百分比与PDT在注射PORFIMER钠的4天内进行的PDT在卫生间支气管镜末端的百分比,与在没有重新注射的情况下重复时在注射到11位点的时间框架中的Porfimer钠2-4周,注射到17位点后4-8周。所有患者静脉内注射60克的光rin $ + r $ /每平方米的体表,所有治疗均用500mW / cf的功率密度和从圆筒扩散纤维输送的400 j / cf的光剂量。结果:配对学生的T检验和Wilcoxon签名等级试验表明,无论PDT是否首先进行或重复,内核梗阻的百分比显着降低。未配对的学生的T测试和Mann-Whitney U统计比较在注射后的前4天内(平均41%)在注射后的重复组(平均41%)内进行治疗时的梗阻减少(平均值)(平均值16%)和注射后4至8周的组(平均19%)。然而,2 - 4周集团与4-8周集团之间的阻塞减少没有显着差异。结论:在注射后重复,可以重复光动力治疗,无需重新注射Photofrin $ + r $ /最多8周,随着阻塞量的显着降低。然而,由于在注射的前四天内进行的初始治疗,它只有约1/3。



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