
Global trends in financial sector supervisory architectures




Products and services offered by banks, insurance companies, and securities firms have substantially blurred in order to maximize profits through business expansion and financial innovation. Today financial institutions include new sophisticated products and activities which contain characteristics of all the listed institutions. Changes and transformations in the financial sector were followed by certain changes of supervisory bodies. In this paper we investigate the changes in the regulatory and supervisory models using data over the period 1999-2014 from 69 countries around the world. We find empirical evidence on some trends in changes of financial sector supervision architecture. These trends indicate that: (i) the sectoral architecture which was dominant in the past is largely replaced with integrated and hybrid models, (ii) central bank fragmentation effect is less present in countries that have been affected by the crisis, if they perform the changes to existing supervisory models. Finally, our research highlights hybrid model as insufficiently recognized one in earlier researches.
机译:银行,保险公司和证券公司提供的产品和服务基本上模糊,以通过业务扩张和金融创新最大化利润。今天的金融机构包括新的复杂产品和活动,其中包含所有上市机构的特征。金融部门的变化和转型随后是监督机构的某些变革。在本文中,我们研究了1999 - 2014年期间的数据来自全球69个国家的数据的监管和监管模式的变化。我们探讨了金融部门监督架构变迁的趋势的经验证据。这些趋势表明:(i)过去占主导地位的部门建筑基本上用综合和混合模型取代,(ii)中央银行碎片效应在受危机影响的国家,如果他们执行更改现有监督模型。最后,我们的研究突出了混合模型,因为早期研究中的一个不足。



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