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How Can Personality Influence Perception on Security of Context-Aware Applications?




[Context and Motivation] Our lives are being transformed by context-aware software applications with important social, environmental, and economic implications. [Question/Problem] Experts recognized that quality attributes, e.g. security, are the cornerstone to get healthy social implications of these applications. However, do end-users (service consumers) perceive these attributes as so important? [Methodology] To answer this question, we designed a survey, to understand how end-users perceive security of context-aware software applications and how the users' personality traits might influence their perceptions. To this end, we did a web-based survey that embeds two animated-demonstration videos in order to present ⅰ) the functionality of a context-aware mobile app, and ⅱ) some vulnerabilities of the mobile app. It involved 48 subjects divided in two groups: subjects with software engineering (SE) background (Group A) and subjects without any SE background (Group B). [Results] Our study found that the importance of confidentiality and integrity is more clearly perceived by subjects with SE backgrounds (Group A). Accountability is more difficult to be perceived by subjects. And this difficulty can be even more pronounced for subjects without any SE background (Group B). Our findings suggest that importance preferences on security are influenced by personality types. For instance, open-minded people have a higher propensity to perceive the importance of confidentiality and integrity. Whilst, people with a high level of agreeableness hold quite different perceptions regarding the importance of authenticity and accountability. Analyzing the level of association between personality and the perceived importance on security, we found that the importance perceptions on confidentiality are influenced by the personality of subjects from Group B. And, the changes (positive an negative) in the importance perception on confidentiality are very strongly influenced by personality, even more so by the personality of subjects from Group B.
机译:[背景和动机]我们的生活正在被具有重要社会、环境和经济影响的背景感知软件应用程序所改变。[问题/问题]专家们认识到,质量属性(如安全性)是这些应用程序产生健康社会影响的基石。然而,最终用户(服务消费者)是否认为这些属性如此重要?[方法学]为了回答这个问题,我们设计了一项调查,以了解最终用户如何感知上下文感知软件应用程序的安全性,以及用户的个性特征如何影响他们的感知。为此,我们做了一项基于网络的调查,其中嵌入了两个动画演示视频,以展示ⅰ) 上下文感知移动应用的功能,以及ⅱ) 移动应用的一些漏洞。它涉及48名受试者,分为两组:具有软件工程(SE)背景的受试者(A组)和没有任何SE背景的受试者(B组)。[结果]我们的研究发现,具有SE背景的受试者(A组)更清楚地认识到保密和诚信的重要性。受试者更难感受到责任感。对于没有任何SE背景的受试者(B组),这种困难可能更加明显。我们的研究结果表明,安全感的重要性偏好受人格类型的影响。例如,思想开放的人更倾向于认为保密和正直的重要性。然而,对于真实性和责任感的重要性,和蔼可亲的人持有完全不同的看法。通过分析人格与安全重要性感知之间的关联程度,我们发现,B组受试者的人格对保密重要性感知有影响。并且,保密重要性感知的变化(正面和负面)受人格的强烈影响,B组受试者的性格更是如此。



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