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Combined effects of ground granulated blast furnace slag and fly ash on the porosity and chloride penetration of sand concrete




This paper presents study results on the effects of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) and fly ash (FA) on the mechanical properties, porosity and chloride penetration of sand concrete. Two series of concretes were prepared with W/B ratios of 0.36 and 0.32. The aggregate used consists of crushed sand with a modulus of fineness 3.2 and dune sand with a modulus of fineness 1.7. In each series: 1 mixture of reference sand concrete (RSC), 2 mixtures were investigated: concrete containing 40% GGBFS and concrete containing a combination of 35% GGBFS and 20% FA. The study results showed that the strength of sand concretes containing 40% GGBFS was improved after 7 days of curing, their porosity and chloride penetration significantly decreased at all ages compared with that of the RSC. The strength of sand concrete containing 35% GGBFS and 20% FA was lower than that of RSC at 28 days but approximately reached strength at 56 days. In addition, its porosity and chloride penetration were much lower than that of RSC and sand concretes containing 40% GGBFS.
机译:本文提出了研究结果对地面粒状高炉炉渣(GGBF)和飞灰(FA)对砂混凝土机械性能,孔隙率和氯化物渗透的影响。使用0.36和0.32的W / B比制备两系列的混凝土。所用的聚集体由碎砂组成,具有细度3.2和沙丘沙子,具有细度的模量1.7。在每个系列中:1参考砂混凝土(RSC)的混合物,2种混合物:混凝土含有40%的GGBF和混凝土,含有35%GGBF和20%Fa的组合。研究结果表明,在固化7天后,含有40%GGBF的砂混凝土的强度提高,与RSC的孔隙率和氯化物渗透率显着降低。含有35%GGBF和20%Fa的砂混凝土的强度低于RSC的28天,但在56天内大致达到强度。此外,其孔隙率和氯化物渗透远低于含有40%GGBF的RSC和砂混凝土的渗透性。



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